Chapter 39

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"Hayley?" Hayley's sudden move on Joe took us back. She was suddenly hugging Joe's arm and her eyes were wide with fear, "How are you... hey you looked panicked..."

"No need to state the obvious," I mutter under my breathe earning a elbow in the arm from Zoe.

Hayley opens her mouth as if to say something but suddenly she suddenly goes under water.

"What just happened?" Troye asked panicked.

"I don't know..." Joe says and then we see where Hayley sank there is splashing.


"Yeah, Hayley you dumbass," Tyler laughs.

"NO! Someone other than Hayley!" Caspar says.

"Well aren't you going to help her?" Zoe snaps.

I see Joe grab Hayley's hands and pull. But no Hayley comes up. "there is someone pulling on her..." Joe says, as he grits his teeth, pulling at Hayley.

"Careful Joe! You could hurt her," I say, "I'll go under the water and see if I can grab her."

I duck under water and see Hayley. She is struggling and the person pulling her down looks familular...


I swim up and take deep breathes, "It's dave..." I gasp.

"Dave?!" Caspar exclaims.

"Guys I can't hold on much longer..." Joe says.

Suddnely Joe stumbles (stumbles... is that the right word...) back, "JOE YOU LET GO?!" Zoe cries

"Dave pulled Hayley down! I told you I can't hold on much longer!" Joe snaps fustrated.

We then see Dave swim up, "YOU!" Tyler cries. He swims as fast as he can to catch up and grab Dave. Caspar and Troye do the same

I duck under the water and then I see her.

She was lying at the bottom of the pool, eyes closed, not breathing.

I came up, gasped for a quick breathe and began swimming down the the bottom.

I took Hayley in my arms and brought her to the surface. Joe swam over to me and we swam to the surface, one of Hayley's arms around our shoulders to keep her head out the water.

Troye and Tyler had gone into the hotel now, still chasing Dave so Caspar ran to the side of the pool where Zoe was climbing out to help Hayley out the pool.

We got her on the side. She was really cold and I could only hear her take small shallow breathes, "We need an ambulance!" I say.

"I'll go!" Caspar gets up and runs off to the building.

I look at Zoe. She was crying and had her head in her hands. I went over to her and hugged her, "I'm... I'm gonna kill him..." i hear Zoe say.

"What Zo?" I say.

"I'm gonna kill him," Zoe says, releasing our hug. She gets up and Goes over to where our things were. She picks up the glass of water and throws it across the concrete angrily., the glass smashing everywhere, "I'm gonna kill him!" She yells.

I leave Joe with Hayley and go over to Zoe, wrapping my arms around her torso, "Calm down..." I say, removing the second glass if water she had in hrr hand, "It'll be fine."

"Will it though Alfie... you don't know that Alfie!" Zoe says, "I don't want to go to another teenager funeral... Lexi's was bad enough..."

I hugged Zoe as Caspar came out, "Its on its way."

"And Dave?" Joe asks, looking at his boyfriend.

"Troye and Tyler caught up with him. I saw them tackle him to the ground." Caspar says, "So the police are on their way too."

I nod. But two questions were in my mind.

Why was Dave here?
And how did he find us?


So here as promised...

(If you read that in Phil's voice... I LOVE YOU!!!)

Here we go!
(Also announcement at the bottom of QnA!!!)


Whats the best thing about living with Zalfie?
I have had so many opportunities! Also, I have met so many other YouTubers. Just imagine if I never had gone to that meet and greet... I WOULDN'T BE HERE!

What's it like being Dan?
Pretty cool... except the odd existential crisis...
And the fact that I miss Lexi... we all do really.
Plus... I still have that engagement ring for Phil...

Who would you date if Dan wasn't around (no offence Dan)
Erm... I never really thought about that. I don't know... maybe Connor... Phonner has a cute ring to it...
Dan: so wait Phan doesn't? I am ashamed in you Lion
Phil: shut up. This was my question not yours.

Will you ever find out Lexi didn't die
Dan and Phil: Wait what?

Do you believe Lexi is alive or no?
Dan: well all the evidence points to her being dead...
Phil: but where was her and Jakes body? Even the police officer said that was a bit weird...
Dan: so your just suggesting she ran away? Why would she run away?
Phil: I don't know!
Dan: look, lets just say...we don't want her to be dead... but she is.

How is life since you 'died'?
No one but me and Jake know about how we escaped the crash. But it has been amazing, America is so free even though I have had a few close scrapes of coming face to face with Connor. I have missed Dan and Phil a lot though.

Do you enjoy life in America?
It is amazing! I miss Dan and Phil though

i went to America with Jake! I faked my death because life was so hard in England with all the bullying and George... I'd rather not talk about it though.

Are you and your BF still together?
Yep! Me and Jake are still together

Where you at bæ?
In America 😊

What was the necklace for?
Well Lexi was being possessed so I gave her my necklace which had a cross on it. She was wearing it apparently when she died but... i swear I have seen her around my neighbourhood... weird.

Can you please leave?
No. You can't make me.

What the fuck do you have against the YouTube community and Hayley?
Well the YouTube community fired me because of her and she escaped my killing spree so if you have a problem with me, blame her for it all.

Troyeboy, Would you die for Hayley?
Sure i would... plus Alfie is sitting next to me so I feel I have to say yes...
Alfie: wow Troyeboy. Blame me
Troye: I'm not blaming you! I'm just saying.


Ok so there you go!


Here we go...
Would a new book, not part of this series but involve YouTubers... get confusing?

Because I want to start writing a camp YouTube book. You know... where YouTubers go to camp and *hahah* I slowly kill them off...


If yes, tell me! And let me know 12 YouTubers I should choose to involve.

Ok bye xx

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