Chapter 31

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I get home to find Zoe, Alfie, Troye and Joe and Caspar in the living room. Joe and Caspar had their arms around each other (recap in case yall forgot: Jaspar is real) and Troye was showing my parents something.

"Hey," I walk in, "What's going on?"

"Talking about plans for you to record that song with me," Troye smiles.

"Cool!" I say.

"So how was your first day of school?" Caspar asks.

"It was good, yeah," I say, "Even though I was pushed into the drum kit." I laugh.

"Drum kit? What happened?" Alfie asks.

"Well this group of friends I made told me to audition for the singing roll in the school band that came available. Anyway, this girl got jealous and pushed me into the drum kit," I laugh again.

I sit next to Caspar as Alfie speaks up, "I need to go the the store quickly, anyone want to come?"

"Let me get changed and I'll come," I smile, getting up and running to my room.

I put my t-shirt on and a hoodie over my cast. Then I put leggings on, a beanie and converse trainers. I do a quick touch-up to my make-up before we I go back downstairs, "Ready."

Me and Alfie go out, Alfie now able to drive us to the store. We pull up and we go in, "So what do we need to buy?" I ask.

"Just milk... and some deserts and dog treats for Nala," Alfie smiles.

I nod and we walk around the store and pay and then go back to the car. We get in and start to drive as rain begins to fall.

"Great," Alfie sighs.

We drive along until I see a car coming the other way, driving on the wrong side of the road, heading straight for us, "Alfie!" I say, "Alfie the car!"

Alfie goes to swerve but everything happens in a blur. The car hitting Alfie's side. Alfie passing out and me staying conscious. Our car spinning in circles and me screaming.

I look at Alfie. He was clearly unconscious I feel myself being jerked as our car flips, now we are upside down.

I take sharp breathes and I choke tears back. I sat nothing as I hear people outside the car trying to help us.

I watch as my window is smashed and a familiar face appears. My brother. "Hayley! Oh my god I am so sorry!"

"You're the one that hit us," I cry, "Aren't you."

My brother nods slowly, "It was an accident..."

"SO IF ALFIE DIES NOW IT IS AN ACCIDENT?!" I yell. I look at Alfie. He was still unconscious and I could see blood seeping from his wounds.


"JUST CALL AN AMBULANCE! DO SOMETHING RIGHT FOR ONCE!" I yell, unbuckling my seat belt and going over to Alfie. I unbuckle him and pull him out the position and out the car.

I burry my head into Alfie's chest and cry.

What had I done?

I had to call Zoe.

I get my phone out and click on Zoe's name.

"Hello?" Zoe's voice was cheery.

"Zoe it all went wrong! And I hate him!"

"What... what did Alfie do?"

"Nothing- my brother... he hit our car. We flipped and... Alfie is unconscious. I'm so scared Zoe..." i begin to cry again.

"Just tell me where you are and we are coming honey, ok?"

I tell Zoe where we are and end the call.

"An ambulance is on it's way," my brother says, coming over.

"Good and I hope the police are too," I snap.

My brother looked taken a back, "I'm sorry.... maybe if you were looking where you guys were driving..."



"DON'T HAYLEY ME!" And I punch him. I punch my own brother.

He tumbles back and I fall onto my knees, more tears running down my face.

I feel a arm wrap around me. I look to my left and see Joe. Caspar was behind him and Zoe was with Alfie. Troye, on the other hand, was now talking to my brother angrily.

"This is all my fault joe..." I say.

"It's not and it never will be," Joe says comfortingly.


Oh drama!!

Ok bye xx

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