Chapter 25

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"I know it sounds crazy... but I think I'm your brother."

"Wh...what?" I stammer, "You can't... I never had a brother!"

"I left home young. I went and lived with our nan and grandad in Spain." My brother said, "the medical education there was better there than here."

"And where were you when mom became ill?" I ask

"Hayley... I was busy..." he said.


"Have a DNA test then," he says, "And then you will know. Hayley I wanted to come but I was in the middle of my exams. By the time I was done... it was too late. Mom and dad were dead and you were in a children's home..."

"Why didn't you come to rescue me..." I say, feeling tears roll down my cheeks one by one, "I thought I was alone. No-one ever made me feel wanted and now you tell me your my brother?"

"Look Hayley-"

"GET OUT!" I yell.


"GET OUT! Just do the DNA test." I yell.

He picks up his clip-board and walks towards the door, "I'm sorry Hayley..."

"Just... go..." I sigh. As soon as the door closes I burst into tears.


I look up and Zoe is there. She runs and hugs me, "Joe is on his way with Caspar and bringing his spare guitar for you... what's wrong?"

"That doctor... apparently he's... he's my brother..." I say.

"Oh my god," she looks at me, "I thought he looked like you..."

"I don't want him to though! He abandoned me! He thought his exams in Spain were more important. I never knew he EXISTED!"

"Come here," Zoe brings me into a tight hug, "Where is he going now?"

"To do a DNA test with me. I want to make it confidential," I say.

Ny 'brother' walks in, "Oh by the way, my name is Martin."

"Ye that's nice," I roll my eyes.

"Look, let's just get this DNA test done yeah? Even though it is pointless," Martin says. He injects himself and then taking another injection, takes some of my DNA, "The results will be ready after your operation. Something for you to look forward to yeah?"

"Yeah," I say gruffly. Some more doctors come in and I am made to lie down as I am wheeled away.

As soon as I am in the operation room, Martin comes over, "Just relax. I'll be operating on you."

"Oh yeah, my potential brother is my surgeon. I'm totally relaxed." I say sarcastically.

"Whatever," he sighs and injects me and everything goes black.

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