Chapter 8

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I woke up to Christian's phone ringing, but he's so passed out he didn't hear it. I sat up and grabbed his phone off of the nightstand and groggily answered, "Hello?"

"Who's this?"

I cringed, "I wanna know who this is, you're the one calling my fiancé."

I mean, it's not technical but I have a ring... They don't have to know..


"Who the hell is this?"

"An old friend.." And then they hung up.

I set his phone down and sat up. I walked to the bathroom and did my morning routine, then grabbed my jacket and phone, and walked downstairs to the lobby to get coffee.

After I ordered I sat at a small table still trying to wake up, and to wait for the coffee of course.

"Nicole? Nicole Price?"

I glanced up and saw a girl with a huge smile on her face. I smiled back and she walked up to me, "Hi! I'm a huge fan!"

I smiled, "Thanks for all the support, I appreciate it."

"Can I get a quick picture?"

"Of course!" I probably look like crap but oh well.

We took a picture and she smiled, "Thank you! Oh, by the way, where's Chris?"

"Sleeping, I'm just getting coffee."

She nodded and walked away.

They called my name for the coffee and I grabbed it and headed back upstairs. On my way back up, this guy came in to the elevator with me.

He politely said hello and I smiled. "What floor?" He asked.

"5, thanks." I smiled as he pressed the button. The door opened and I walked out of the elevator.

He followed..

I glanced over my shoulder and saw him still walking behind me. I quickened my pace and he quickened his.

I got to my room and fumbled with the key because I had two coffee's in my hands. He got faster and ran up to my door when Chris opened it. I felt the guys fingers brush against my waist.

I ran in and slammed the door behind me. I handed Chris his coffee and he slowly took it.

"What just happened?" He asked taking my hand. I think my eyes are stuck wide open...

"I don't know I got in the elevator and he followed me and- and he followed me to the room I-I-"

He pulled me closer to him and held the back of my head against his chest. I'm shaking so bad I had to set my coffee down.

Chris grabbed my face and looked me in the eye, "I will not let him get you, you can trust me on that."

I nodded and hugged him again.

"I got you princess," he kissed the top of my head, "always.."

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