Chapter 26

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I woke up to someone lightly tapping my shoulder.

"Miss, would you like something to eat?"

I shook my head, "What time is it?"

"Eight A.M." My eyes widened and I shook my head again. My hand was still in Christian's.

"Uhh, I'm alright, thank you." She nodded and left.

I sat up, still not taking my hand from Christian's.

"Hey baby boy.." I whispered, "It's only been a day, but I miss your beautiful voice, I miss your arms.."

I kissed his hand, "I'm gonna go home, I'll be back."

I pulled out my phone and called Crawford. To no ones surprise, he didn't answer, it's too early for him.

I called Kirsten who answer after the fourth ring.

"Hey girl, I heard about Chris, how is he?"

"Still not awake.. Can you come get me so I can change and grab some things?"

"Of course! I'm on my way."

"See you soon."

I hung up and stroked Christian's hand with my thumb. My back is killing me from that chair.

I choked up seeing him so... Lifeless..

My beautiful, loving, energetic, spontaneous boy...

I caught a tear and wiped it with my other hand. I miss him already...

About 20 minutes later, Kirsten walked into the room and covered her mouth before sitting down on his bed.

"My baby brother... This is so strange." She stared at him, "Alright I can't see him like this, are you ready?"

I nodded and we left.

"I'm sorry, Kirsten. I know this is hard for you.."

"It is, but Nikki, he was your other half. You guys held each other up and did everything together. I can't imagine how hard it is for you."

I looked down. Yeah, we're pretty much inseparable, I lost him once already... I mean it was an act, but it still felt like it and even that stung..

I can't imagine not having him forever...

We pulled up to my house. I thanked Kirsten and she dropped me off and left. I'm taking my own car today, I was such a wreck yesterday I couldn't.

I ran upstairs and quickly got in the shower and changed. I still can't eat, so I just walked out of the kitchen.

But how could oil have gotten on the floor if Chris and I were the only people here, and neither of us did it?

I shook my head and grabbed some things. I packed a bag for Chris and left it in my car, I don't know when he's going to wake up.

I grabbed my keys and left. I got back there fast and went up to his room. I sat down on his bed again and looked at him.

It's weird how he's not messing with his lip ring, or walking around singing, or messing with his hair trying to get it to look right but giving up and it looks perfect anyway.

I miss his little ticks and habits already...

I put my hand over his, "Your family misses you.. I miss you.." I smiled but tears fell down my face.

I quickly wiped them with my other hand.

"I miss your eyes,"

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