Chapter 14

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Nikki's POV
I ended up going back home because there's no where else to go. I walked in and there was a PINK bag on my living room floor.

Oh hell to the no..

I stomped upstairs. I don't care if he doesn't love me, I love him more than anything and he's not doing this in our house!

I threw open the bedroom door to see the love of my life on top of another girl. Not having sex, just making out in their underwear.

No matter how badly I wanted to cry, I can't let him see.

"Nikki.." I shook my head,

"Ashton get the hell out of my house."

She smirked and stood up, picking up her clothes on the way out, "Nice to see you too."

I stared at Chris and all he could do was cry, I've never really seen him cry, only when he was afraid of losing me..

But he's already done that.

I shook my head and left the room.

"You know, Chris is great in bed." I heard Ashton say. My blood absolutely boiled and I slapped her.

"You took him from me!" I screamed, "I love him, Ashton! I love him more than I love myself and you took that away from me!"

She covered her cheek where I hit her, but she smirked, "It's just getting started. I'm getting him all to myself and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Get. Out. Of my. House." I pointed at the door.

"But I'm not changed-"

"I DON'T CARE! LEAVE." I shoved her out of the house and locked the door.

I never thought Chris would do this to me. I never thought he would be this kind of person.

He promised he wouldn't hurt me...

I slid down against the door and pulled my knees to my chest. I just cried, let it all out.

He's the love of my life.

How do I deal with this? He went back to her, he never loved her, at least.. That's what I thought.

I've never cried this loud in my life. Now would be when Christian comes and holds me, but at the end of the day, you only have yourself..

Christian's POV
Screaming. They're screaming at each other,

"You took him from me!" Nikki screamed, "I love him, Ashton! I love him more than I love myself and you took that away from me!"

I covered my mouth and buried my face in Nikki's pillow. She didn't take me love, if only I could tell her... I can't let her get hurt!

I'm all Nikki's, I love her. Shortly after, I heard the door slam and Nikki's sobs. I've never heard her cry like that...

I cried harder. I can't listen to this, it's tearing me apart. I stood up and went downstairs where the sobs and screams got louder. I looked over the banister and she was curled up against the door sobbing her eyes out.

She's going to make herself sick if she keeps screaming like that, plus she's just absolutely broken, I can't do this to her.

I went down the stairs and she looked up at me. Her eyes and nose are red and her makeup is running.

As soon as she saw me I don't know if she was relieved or angry, but she stood up and wiped her face.

"I'm sorry about that.." She mumbled.

"Nikki, please don't be sorry. I'm so sorry, I can't do this to you." I went to hug her but she backed up. Ouch..

"Don't touch me.." She shook her head and crossed her arms loosely over her chest.

My eyes started watering again and I walked closer to her, "Baby-"

"Don't baby me, Christian!"

Nikki's POV
"Don't baby me, Christian!" I yelled. He stumbled back a little bit and put his hands in the pocket of his sweats.

"How could you go back to her? Tell me that. Why wasn't I good enough for you? What does she have that I don't, Christian?" His eyes are bright red and full of tears, "All I did was love you, I would've loved you for the rest of my life."

His face dropped, "Would've?"

"Yeah, you left me for her, you don't love me, like you said you did. You went to her, like you said you wouldn't..."

"I do love you-"

"No. If you loved me you wouldn't be sleeping with that skank!" I stormed off and left him in the living room.

I stormed past him and up the stairs. I took a shower, where I cried more, and then got into bed. I grabbed one of Christian's pillows and held it against me.

I already miss him... It hurts so bad that he left me for her... Again...

Christian's POV
I slid down against the wall and covered my eyes. I cried for a minute, but I'm bringing this upon myself.

If I told her, she wouldn't believe me. If I told her, they'd hurt her..

But not if I have anything to do with it. I stood up and went upstairs to the bedroom. She's curled up on the far left side of the bed, she could fall off...

I took a quick shower and washed Ashton's grossness off of me. I got in bed on the opposite side of Nikki. She has her back facing me and all I want to do is pull her closer, but I can't.

"I love you.." I whispered as my eyes finally started getting heavy from crying and I fell asleep.
Guys I'm emotional writing this ugh... Do y'all think Chris should tell Nikki? Do you think that, even if he did, Nikki would believe him? Comment ☺️

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