Chapter 32

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I totally killed Chris in paintball. I'm going to have welts on my thighs for a good week, but paintball is great.

We got pizza after but, when are we not eating pizza?

"People probably think we're crazy." I laughed and buried my face in Christian's side.


"Because we're covered in paint?" I laughed.

He laughed and held me. His arms are my favorite place.

We sat down and ate the pizza, but laughed the entire time which made people stare.

Two kids, covered in paint, laughing hysterically at pizza... They mus we're on drugs.

"But Chris, who's idea was it to put cheese on top of bread with tomato sauce and meat slices." I laughed again.

He laughed at me, "Nikki what even makes you think of this?"

I shrugged and covered my face because for some reason I can't stop laughing.

We finally calmed down and left, but Chris took me to the mall.

"Why are we here?"

"Cause I want to spoil my girl."

My heart!

"You don't have to, I mean, you already asked me to marry you."

I stopped and looked at my ring, "Chris, I'm marrying you."

He nodded and looked at me, "I'm marrying you... My best friend." He smiled.

"I thought girls were pretty gross when I was like, 6..."

"Hey!" I slapped his arm.

"But you're a cute girl!"

"Chris!" I laughed.

"I always wanted to be with you." He smiled.

I blushed, "Did you really?"

He smiled, "Yeah.."


"Huh?" He asked confused.

"When did you realize that?"

He looked down and smiled, "When Lillian started to like me and I couldn't like her back... I tried, but you had my heart and I couldn't fake it."

I smiled, "I was the someone.."

He nodded.

We got out of the car and on the way inside, Chris turned to me, "How about you? When did you realize you liked me?"

I laughed, "That one day we all went to get frozen yogurt and you got some on your nose."

"Really? Mine was all romantic and yours was frozen yogurt." He laughed.

"Well hey, I love food." I laughed back and he kissed the side of my head.

He took me to a couple of shops and bought me a ton of clothes that I didn't need, then we went home and I put them all away.

"You've made this the best birthday ever.." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You've made my life better, so ha." He said and kissed my nose.

"You know, I'm so glad God brought our sticky three year old selves together, because I can't imagine being without you." I smiled.

I heard a small bark behind me and smiled, turning around and picking up the little dog.

"What are we gonna name her?"

Chris looked at her and then at me, "I like Rocky."

She perked her ears up and tilted her head, "Rocky it is." I nodded and kissed Chris

He pulled away, "We need a picture with her."

I laughed and Chris set up his phone to take a picture, then grabbed me by my waist and kissed me while I held Rocky.

We pulled away and he smiled, "This is only the beginning, my love."
A/N (last chapter)
So I think I'm gonna end the story here ❤️ I love y'all so much for reading this you don't understand!


I can and MAY write a third book, but I don't know if y'all want it to be kind of like where they left off, or them married? I personally want to do where they left off because I think it'll be fun 😂 but let me know in the comments!

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