Chapter 18

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A while after that, the crying had gotten to me and Chris and I laid down on the couch. I woke up laying on him with his arms wrapped around me.

My chest instantly wanted to explode and my heart rate probably increased, which is probably why he looked at me, "I still make you nervous, eh?"

I blushed and buried my face in his chest. He laughed and kissed my head, "I have to go grocery shopping," he rubbed my back, "are you gonna let me up?" He laughed.

I shook my head and he sat up making me fall onto his lap.

"Are you gonna do it then?" He asked. I shook my head, I let him do it because he's fast and knows what we need, I'd be in there for 4 hours buying animal crackers or something.

"Fine. I love you." I said and pecked his lips.

"I love you too, do you need anything?"

I shook my head, "I'll call you if I do."

He nodded and grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet.

"One more kiss." He said and grabbed my waist, kissing me while pulling me closer.

He slid his hands around my back until his arms were all the way around holding me.

We pulled away and he smiled, "I should go now.."


He held my hand until his slipped out of my grip while he left. Head. Over. Heels. In love with him.

I sat on the couch watching tv for about 40 minutes until Chris came home with the groceries. We put them away and once when Chris passed me he grabbed my butt. I jumped and slapped his.

Man, I love him.

Chris and I are sitting on the couch now. His arm around me and my head on his chest. His phone went off and he groaned, "Crawford wants me to meet him at Starbucks."

"Don't leave me again.."

"I'll be back, my love," He kissed my forehead, "I love you."

"I love you more.."

"Not possible!" He yelled before shutting the door so I couldn't argue, he's so cute!

I was alone for about 20 minutes until I heard a knock on the door. I got up and slightly cracked the door to see who it is.

"Hey!" I yelled and whipped the door open.

"Hey.." Sam said and scratched the back of his neck.

He glanced around, "Is Chris home?"

"No, just me, why?"

He bit his lip, "Good,"

He grabbed my waist and kissed me.

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