Chapter 24

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I haven't slept since that dream... Too scared... Chris surprisingly slept, but not without keeping a firm grip on me. I messed with his hands pretty much all night.

At around 7 Chris cuddled closer to me, "Did you sleep?"

"Nope," I shook my head, "too scared."

"What was the dream even about? You were crying so hard, I didn't like it."

"I don't know, it was weird, you and I never met.."

He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead, "I'm not going anywhere, don't you worry."

He rubbed my back and I finally started to doze off feeling safe.

I woke up to Chris still holding me. I guess he knew I woke up because he started rubbing my back, "Did you sleep better?" He asked.

"Much better."

He kissed my forehead and got out of bed, going down the stairs. I smiled to myself wondering how I got so lucky to have him.

At the time we met, I was 3, he was 4, we had no idea we would be here. All we knew was that the other one had cooties.

I remember the exact moment I fell in love with him. Crawford, my brother, Chris, and me all went out for frozen yogurt and Chris was being a goofball and had frozen yogurt all over his face and I thought.

He's perfect..

Then I mentally slapped myself...

And he was waving his hand in front of my face because I was staring. I shook my head and I could feel my face turn red.

He wrapped his arms around me, "Awwww little Nikki's blushing!" He laughed.

My brother and Crawford a we'd and I blushed harder. Chris put his hand on my head.

"Alright enough guys."

Ahh the days where nothing was complicated and I just had my best friends...

Now there's a crazy ex, another guy who's in love with me, tours, fans, fights...

But still, life is great with him and I'm glad we met.

Haha, the way we met...

"You're a girl!" Chris laughed pointing at me.

"Yes! And you're a smelly boy."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"


"What's your name?" I asked standing up and crossing my arms. I was taller than him then...

"Christian Josiah. Who are youuu?" He asked pointing at me.

"Nicole, and maybe you're not so smelly." I said cocking my head.

"Thank you!" He said and ran off to a kid smaller than him, which I now realize was Crawford.

And now here we are...

I sighed and got out of bed to do my morning routine. I just finished washing my face when I heard a huge crash downstairs.

"Chris?" I yelled.


"Christian?" I yelled louder moving towards the door.

Still nothing.

"Christian Josiah are you okay?" I yelled again walking to the banister. My hands and chest started shaking before I slowly made my way down the stairs.

I walked through the living room and turned the corner to the kitchen. I froze. It took me a second to process what happened, but as soon as I did I screamed and fell to the floor.
Hey y'all :)

Valentine's Day is on a Sunday which means I'm seeing my crush which means I'm also gonna see a girl that's always on him.

Yay :)))))

Anyway 😂 comment your twitters I wanna follow you guys! Mine is @CrawfsCarpenter :)

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