Chapter 21

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As soon as we got home, Chris passed out on the couch. He barley slept because of the stress, plus his insomnia, he couldn't sleep period.

He was asleep for about 30 minutes before he sat up and looked around for something.

"What are you looking for?"

"You. Come here." He said opening his arms. I laughed and laid down next to him, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you for being strong for me." He rubbed my back.

"Oh shut up," I laughed, "I love you, we'll get through it."

He kissed my forehead again and fell asleep. He's the cutest...

I guess I fell asleep because I woke up a couple hours later confused. I sat up and Chris was still asleep next to me.

"WHAT YEAR IS IT?!" I yelled and Chris sat up real fast with his eyes wide.

"What?" He yelled rubbing his forehead.

"How old am I? What year is it?" I jumped up and he laughed, "What kind of drugs are you on?"

I grabbed my phone. How did we sleep for almost 9 hours?

"Oh good, I'm still 19." I sighed, he laughed and face palmed.

"Uhh, yeah. I'm still 20, it's still 2016, calm down." He laughed. (A/N: this is in the future okay carry on)

Him laughing made me laugh. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"Are you hungry now? Because I am." I said. I haven't eaten and I have this condition where if I don't eat I will have anxiety symptoms and most likely end up in the hospital, not fun.

"Yeah, let me go put real clothes on."

"Chris you look hot in sweatpants."

"I'm not wearing a shirt."


He rolled his eyes, "Let me put a shirt on. I'll take it off again when we get home for you." He winked.

He ran up the stairs to put on a shirt and I nearly passed out. He's such a tease!

He came back downstairs and took my hand, "Where we going?" He pulled me closer and placed his hand on my lower back.

"Where do you wanna go?"

He thought for a second, "Pizza?"

"Pizza is always the answer." I laughed.

Once we got there, Chris and I walked in, but then he almost walked out. I grabbed his wrist and scanned the room to see what he was avoiding.


Chris wrapped his arm around my waist and completely avoided looking where Sam was.

I saw him walk towards me from the corner of my eye, so I wrapped my arms tightly around Chris.

Sam still came over, "Hey.." He said running his hand through his hair.

I just looked at him, then at Chris.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, can we talk?"

Chris switched sides with me and protectively wrapped an arm around me.

"Leave her alone."

"Chris I-"

"Look, you freaked her out yesterday and I don't need that again. Stay away from her or we will have more issues."

"I love her."

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