Chapter 28

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I woke up shrieking as someone, Chris, hit me with a pillow.

"Christian!" I yelled and sat up.

"Nikki it's important!"

"What is it?"

"I love you."

I punched him and he laughed, "I do, but that's not why I aggressively woke you up with a pillow."

I stared at him, irritation all over my face. I get violent when I'm woken up early, sometimes I cry because I like sleep and I haven't slept in two days.

Usually I'm a light sleeper, but... Two days...

"The oil, remember?"

I nodded, of course I do...

"I might know how it got there."

I perked up, "What?"

"Whoever put it there had to have known we don't lock our back door when we're home."

There's only, like, three people that know that.

My brother
And Crawford

It definitely wasn't the first or last.

"So... What are you saying?"

"Sam did it, but we need proof."

I nodded, "How do we get it?"

He shrugged, "We trick him."

"Christian Collins," I shook my head and smiled, "I love the way you think."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, "Alright, we have detective work to do tomorrow, get some rest." He kissed my cheek and pulled me closer.

Later, I woke up before Chris. I sat up and admired my sleeping boyfriend for a second, I really did miss him a lot...

I kissed his cheek and he opened one eye and smiled, "Ready for some detective work?"

I grinned and he sat up with me. We both quickly did our morning routine and then ran downstairs.

"So how are we gonna do this?" He grinned taking my hands and pulling me close.

"How about we contact him, we play mind games, and catch him." I said.

"Mind games... Great!" He said and grabbed my waist, pressing his lips against mine.

"I love you, Christian. We're gonna catch him. You didn't deserve that.." I started tearing up while a lump formed in my throat.

Chris put his hand on the back of my head, holding me against his chest where I could hear his steady heartbeat, "It's alright princess, I'm here. We'll give him what he deserves."

I smiled but I let out a sob. He almost took the love of my life from me, the only physical person who keeps me calm.

He held me tighter and rubbed my back, "You're okay, Princess. I won't let him near you or us ever again." He kissed the top of my head.

I instantly felt calmer and looked up at Chris, "I'm so glad you're with me."

He smiled, "I'm glad I'm with you, too. Now let's call Sam."

My hands started shaking as Chris pulled his phone out and called Sam.

Chris held on to me because he knows my nerves are all over the place. The phone rang a couple of times, then he picked up.

"Hey Chris?" He said confused.

"Hey bro! Wanna hang out with Nikki and I at the mall today?" He acting like he forgot... Genius.

"Uhh, sure man. I'll meet you there?"

"Yeah, meet us at three in the front area."

Chris hung up the phone and I looked at the clock, 2:25.

I ran up the stairs to get ready and Chris followed.

I changed and did my makeup and hair, and by the time I was done we had to leave.

"Ready to catch him?" Chris asked grabbing his car keys.


I said and we headed out the door.
I'm so sorry this is short, I'm emotionally broken because of my crush and extremely heartbroken with no motivation to do anything. I cried for 13 hours straight.

But as soon as I'm feeling up to myself again I'll update.

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