Chap. 7 Tripping

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"Hey! Hey Levi!"

Eren waved to Levi. Levi took out one ear bud, and waved politely. As Eren waved, he wasn't watching where he was stepping, so he tripped on the leg in the side walk and fell over.

"S*** my foot, I hope I didn't hurt it more... Dad is going to kill me..." Eren held his ankle, trying to ease the pain.

"Are you ok?!" Levi sprinted over.

"Ya... I just.... Um, tripped, sorry you can keep running, I didn't mean to---" Eren stuttered.

"Oh my god! Your foot is black and blue?! What did you do to it." Levi crouched down to Eren and took Eren's hands of his foot. Then placing his hands on it.

"I'm looking for a fracture, or anything that is broken, in going into the medical field to become a pathologist, or surgeon..." He looked at Eren's foot a little more then diagnosing him.

"Your parents beat you don't they, by how pale you are, you must cut out self, and by your expression I must be right. You need to tell someone..." Levi stared down Eren.

"Wha... How- how did you just figure that out!?" Eren scouted away a little.

"I was the smartest kid in my last school." Levi stood up and put a hand out to Eren. Levi smiled a little.

"Um... Cool..." Eren took the offer and stood up, but lost his footing and fell into Levi's arms, making him fall over. Eren laid on top of Levi. Levi was stunned, and looked like he was doing a math equation.

"I'm so sorry..." Eren rolled off of Levi, very embarrassed. Levi got up saying nothing and ran away.

3 minutes later...

"Hey Eren, why are you on the ground?!" Armin came up on his skateboard.

"Um... I tripped..." Eren finally found a reason to stand again.

"Ok, we'll see you at school!" Armin went off.

"Ya..." Eren started to limp down the long narrow street, the breeze hitting his slender face.

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