Chapter three- Staying the Night

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"Look, I can make the money up to you. If you could just-"

"No means no! Now get out before I throw ya out!"

"Sir, I don't have anywhere else to stay! Please, just give me a few days-"

With a long sigh, he got up from his stool, walked around the counter, and looked down at me.

"I know, I know."

Holding my arms up, I closed my eyes, and sighed. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and walked outside. With the swing of his arm, I landed in a large snow bank. I could hear the door slam shut as I brushed the snow off of my head.

"He could've at least been more gentle..."



Turning slightly, I seen Natsu standing behind me, a confused look on his face. With a nervous smile, I jumped up, and frantically got the rest of the snow off.


"What are you doing in the snow?"

"Umm...That's a good question. I'll have to get back to you on that."

The door to the hotel opened, and the guy threw my bag out. With a loud 'plop', it landed right beside me.

"Is that your bag?"

"Umm,yea, yep it is."

"Why was it in there?"

"Well I was gonnatryandrentaroom."


Letting out a sigh, I grabbed my bag, and looked at him.

"I was going to try and rent a room."

"Don't you have a house? Or an apartment?"

"N-No. I don't."

He gave me a small smile, and started walking.

"Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"My place."


"You can stay the night. Tomorrow I'l try and help you find your own apartment. Maybe even a job."

He stopped walking, and turned to face me with a smile.


Running up next to him, I gave him a big grin, and looked up at the sky. It was a clear night, no clouds or anything, making the stars shine bright.

"Wow. They're beautiful."

"I guess."

When I looked at Natsu, he was staring in front of us, a solemn expression on his face.

"Did you even look?"

"Don't need to. They look the same every night."

"That's not true."

I looked back up, and smiled. Letting out a gasp, I grabbed his arm, and pointed up.

"Look! You can see the constellation Virgo from here!"

He tore his arm away from my grip, and huffed.

"I've already seen it!"


Tightening my grip on my bag, I stayed silent for the rest of the walk. An apartment building came into view, and he pulled a key out of his pocket.

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