Twenty Nine- Waking Up

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I have like no motivation, send help


My hair fell over my face, tickling my nose as I sat up, and looked around. It was night by now, the moonlight pouring in through the windows. I rubbed my head, and looked down at Natsu. He must have fallen back asleep right after me. Swinging my legs over the bed, I stepped down and my feet were greeted with the cold floor. A pang of sharpness coursed through my side, and I placed my hand over it. Blood dripped down my hand, my stitches must have came open. I tried my best making it to the door, covering my wound as best as possible but things went blurry and before I knew it, I was crashing down to the floor.

Natsu's POV

I woke up to the sound of a thud, and quickly sat up. (F/N) laid there on the floor, a puddle of blood beside her. I jolted out of the bed, and ran to her side.

"(F/N)! Get up!"

Running to the door, I swung it open and called for help.

"Someone get in here! Now!"

Rushing back over to her, I pulled her in my lap, ignoring the now throbbing pain in my side. Her skin was pale and her lips were losing color. I pulled her closer and held my head next hers.

"Please don't leave, I can't lose you too."

Nurses rushed in, pulling (F/N) away from me. More people rushed in with a bed, and lifted her onto it.

"W-wait! Where are you taking her?!"

I rushed after them, but was blocked at the door by two nurses.

"Sir, you have to get back into bed."

"I need to go with her!"

"You can't."

I tried pushing past them but failed, and they pulled me back to bed.

"Sir, you have to stay here. We'll be back with your medicine shortly."

They walked out the room and left. I stared at the puddle of blood on the floor, and the smeared blood on myself. Not a minute later, a man walked in with cleaning supplies, and two more nurses came in.

"We have another gown for you, you have to bathe then take your medicine."

I slowly stood, and walked into the bathroom, closing the door after me. After getting undressed, I turned the water on, and looked at myself in the mirror. I still was covered with scratches and bruises, the biggest one on my side.

"Please be okay."

I followed my routine; showered, got dressed, and took my medicine. A little while later, my eyes became droopy, and before I knew it, I was sleeping, the last thing on my mind being (F/N).

1 Week Later

~Reader's POV~

Sunlight poured into my room, the faint sound of beeping drifting through the air. Other than that, the only thing I could hear was the faint chirping of a bird coming from outside. My eyes drifted open, and I found I was back in my hospital room. With a small groan, I lifted my hand to my head, and felt the rough texture of bandages. I pushed the blanket off, and slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed. Light-headedness washed over me and I held onto the stand for support while trying to stand. My IV connected to a bag hanging from a pole, so I grabbed the handle and pulled it along side me. My legs felt wobbly but I made my way over to the chair next to the window and sat down. The window was cracked just a bit, so a light breeze drifted inside. It was still early autumn, the leaves on the tress were just starting to change color. Every once in a while the breeze would be strong enough to blow the white curtains enough to brush against my skin. I studied my body for a moment, noticing that a lot of the bruises and scratches had healed. There was a quick rap on the door before tbe click of the handle turning sounded. A lady with her hair pinned back and light blue  outfit on came in. She looked up, and quickly smiled.

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