Chapter Twenty Two- Blood?

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(Cue flashy entrance)

So I know you guys probably hate me for leaving you on such a big cliffhanger for such a long time.

That's fair. My inbox is open, SEND ME YOUR WORST.

Actually please don't, my self esteem can't take it, thanks babes. You're beautiful. Love you.


"What was that?!"

Thankful that Lucas hadn't just slipped off my shoulders, my heart pounded in my chest so hard I thought it'd rip open.

"I don't know! But it was close!"

"You don't think..."

"We have to get to the garden. Hold on tight, I won't let anything else happen to you."

I could feel his grip tighten, but also shake. Carefully, I continued down the pipe until my feet landed safely on the ground. Lucas hopped off, and I adjusted my bag.

"Alright. The garden is on the other side of the house. I don't know how well they have security up right now, so stay alert."


I could see the handle of his knife just barely stick out of his pocket. Grabbing his hand, we ran, slowing down at each window we came across. The first two were clear, but the third had a group of people in it. Mostly girls. And then I realized what exactly was going on in there. With my face a dark tinted red, I covered Lucas's eyes as we crawled under the window, just to be safe. We made it to the corner of the house, and I slowly peered over. There was only a few people standing around, but plenty of places to run to in case of an emergency. Staying close to the building, we ducked behind and bushes or benches we came across, and patiently waited for the right times to move. Twice some people were onto us, but Lucas quickly got rid of them by throwing a rock in the opposite direction. After giving him a quick high five, we kept moving. Finally we reached the other end of the house, and the garden was already in sight. Unfortunately, there was no where to hide from here to there.

"Okay, its a straight run. Do you think you can do it?"


"We have to be quick."

He grabbed my hand again, and with one last look, we bolted. Our feet moved as fast as they possibly would, and came to a skidding halt as we reached the first hedge. Out of breath, we quickly sat behind it, being careful not to get pricked by the roses growing right next to us. After a minute or two, we stood up seeing as the hedges were taller than we were.

"Keep that knife handy."

I seen him grip the handle, giving me some reassurance.

"And stay close."

We started moving, looking behind and around different hedges and bushes trying to find any sign of them. We were about to give up when Lucas stopped me.

"Hey (F/N)."


I ran over, and looked where he was staring. A small fish cracker laid in the dirt, pieces of it broken off.

"Mira carries these around for Happy."

He picked it up and looked at the cracker.

"Do you think...?"

And that was when I started to notice it. Small patches of blood laid everywhere. Except in one spot. A large pool of blood sat on the terrace, leading all the way down the stone path back to the house. I grabbed Lucas and held him close.

"Everything is gonna be alright."

"What if they killed one of them."

It was more of a statement rather a question.

"We're going to find them."

"And if we don't?"

"We will."

He only nodded. I grabbed his sleeve, and started following the small traces of blood that were left behind. It led us to the side of the house, a small door in front of me.

"Are they in there?"

"Only one way to find out."

"I'm scared."

Getting on me knees, I placed my hands on his shoulders, and weakly smiled.

"I know. Me too. But right now, your family needs you."

"Our family."

"R-Right. Our family needs us both to be brave right now. So I want you to just take all the fears you have right now, and lock them away. And when this is all over with, we can let them all out. Okay?"

He just nodded his head, and I was okay with that. The door was rusty and old, and the door handle was small. It looked as if it could break at any second. Once again, I took Lucas's hand, and I pushed the door open. He gripped the knife in his pocket, a creaking sound echoed through the room. Inside, the trail of blood continued but nobody was in sight. There was old racks all around us and dusty bookshelves. It looked like this place hadn't been touched in a while. Keeping Lucas close, we stepped inside. There was a few lamps lit around the room, enough light to keep it so people could see what they were doing. There were two more doors in the room, but we followed the one with the blood trail leading to it. This door was still rusty, but not as bad.


Gripping each others hands right, I grabbed the handle, twisted, and pushed it open. Lucas clung to me at the sight, and I almost burst to tears on the spot.

"Glad you two could make it."


I promise I'll start updating more offtteennn.

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