Chapter Twenty- Mission Failed

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Hey, howdy, hey! Sorry about the long wait, so much is happening in my life now and as a result, I haven't been in the mood to update. I'm really sorry. Enjoy this chapter I guess.


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"So how is Lucas supposed to help you?"

"I'm going to walk downstairs, and he is going to come with me. Then, Im going to have him start yelling, and I'll be holding his arm, acting like he just snuck in. He will be trying to get away from me, which will cause everyone to come check out what's going on. While that's happening, I need the rest of you to sneak outside, and Lucas and I will meet you out there."

"And you know this will work?"

"I can't say for sure, but its the best plan we got right now. You in, Luke?"

I looked down at him while he seemed to be deep in thought.

"You bet I am."

He held his hand out to me, and I slowly took it in mine and agreed with a firm shake.

"Alright. We will meet back up with you guys in a bit."

Lucas and I turned to walk away, but we were pulled back into a hug by two strong hands. Opening my eyes, I seen a pink tangled mess of hair and instantly knew who was holding us.

"Be careful, you guys."

"D-Dad! This isn't cool!"

"I'll protect him."

"Its not just Lucas I'm worried about."

He let go, and looked me in the eyes. Not knowing what else to say, I grabbed Lucas's hand, and took in a deep breath.

"Right. Well, we better get going."

Everyone said there goodbyes, and watched as we walked down the steps, peering around the corner.

"Alright, the kitchen is right through that door."

I pointed to the white door a little ways across the hall.

"We both run on three. Ready?"

He gave me a quick nod before getting into position.

"One. Two. Three!"

We both made a brake for it, the sounds of footsteps coming around the hall. Just barely making it into the kitchen in time, we both panted, and looked at each other with a smile.

"Alright, I'm gonna grab your wrist, and I need you to start struggling."

"Got it."

Lightly grabbing him, I gave him a quick nod before he started yelling.

"H-Hey! Let me go! Just stop and let me go!"

"Hey, what's going on in here?!"

You could hear shoes slamming against the carpet as they made their way over. Two tall men with three women at their sides walked in, looking between Lucas and I.

"What's going on here?"

"I caught this boy sneaking around."

"You. What's your name?"

"N-None of your business."

"Hey, I expect an answer!"

Giving Lucas a gentle squeeze of the wrist, he looked up at me.

"My name is Tyler."

"And what are you doing in here?"

"Nothing. Just looking for some food, that's all."

Another large group of people walked in, beginning to crowd us. I could feel Lucas tense up under my grip, but he kept a straight face. Just as they opened their mouth to ask more questions, Mard walked in.

"(F/N)? What's going on?"

"I...I found this kid sneaking around."

"That so?"

Mard eyed Lucas for a minute before walking over. Before I knew what was happening, Mard raised his hand, and slapped Lucas so hard he fell out of my grip. He let out a cry of pain, and my eyes widened.

"H-Hey! That wasn't necassary!"

I fell to my knees, grabbed Lucas, and held him close while staring up at Mard.

"You're protecting the thief?"

"I just-"

A sharp pain now hit my face, and I instantly grabbed it.

"No excuses. Take them away."

"With pleasure."

A rather large black man walked up, raised a fist, and everything went black.


I woke up, groaning in the process. My head throbbed, but when I went to go grab it, my hands were restrained.




My eyes slowly opened to see Lucas chained back to a wall. He had bruises everywhere, and blood down the side of his head.

"Oh my god, Lucas!"

I jumped to my feet, and started running to him but fell back due to my own restraints.

"Oh god, Lucas. I'm so sorry. What happened?!"

"They knocked you out, then carried us down here. I tried fighting back, but they beat me the more I struggled."

Tears welled up in his eyes, and it felt like I had been stabbed through the heart.

"I'm scared, (F/N)."

"I-Its going to be alright. I just need you to stay strong, and I sware I'll get you out of here."

Just then, the door opened, and one of the men from earlier walked through.

"You're awake!"

"Let him go!"

"I'm afraid I can't"


"The boss wouldn't like that very much."

"Please! He's just a little boy!"

"Doesn't matter. I was just sent down here to check on you, I'm leaving now."

"Wait! At least loosen the chains so I can go see him."

He stared me down for a moment before letting out a sigh. Walking over with keys in hand, he stuck the key in the lock, and the chains instantly dropped to the floor.

"Better not be causing no trouble."

He walked back up the steps, and the door shut with a big bang. Jumping back to my feet, I ran over to Lucas and went as far as the chains let me. Swinging my arms over his head, I held him close and felt his arms wrap around me.

"I dont want to be here anymore."

"I know. I know."

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