Chapter Twenty Three- Bargain

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This took longer than I hoped for, for the update. But I'm here! ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌.  A lot of things are still going on but I wouldn't forget my lovely readers.


His grip tightened in my hand, and I pulled Lucas closer to me.

"You have been so naughty lately, (F/N). I never know what to do with you anymore."

I opened my mouth to talk back, but all air had left my lungs and no sound came out. If one little slip up happens, they'll all be dead.

"What are you doing to them..."

Lucas's voice was a mumble, but audible enough to catch Mard's attention. He took a step forward so I immediately pulled him farther behind me.

"What am I doing? Take a look for yourself."

Mard stepped out of the way so everyone was much more clearly in view. Mira laid half dead on a table drenched in her own blood, Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Gajeel all chained up to the wall covered in scratches. Juvia, Levy, and Wendy laid passed out where a leak was in the ceiling, water dripping all over them. It washed most the blood away but seeing it running into the drain made my stomach churn. They were all beat up, badly. And unless we all got out of here fast, most of them might not survive.

"Wait... Someone's missing..."

Lucas and I looked at each other, then back at everyone else. It instantly clicked.

"What did you do with Nashi?!"

"Oh, her? She needed to be punished, dear (F/N)! Oh my what a screamer that one is! She cried, and  cried, and cried! If we're lucky she'll still be crying!"

"You sick bastard!"

Lucas had already snuck out of my grip before I could catch him, and kicked Mard in the shin. A look of disgust plastered across his face, and the air was so thick with intensity I couldn't move. A loud 'smack' rang through the air, and Lucas now laid on the floor. I ran over and held him in my arms while looking at Mard.

"You're sick. They're just children!"

"Who cares? Nobody disrespects me. And I would think you'd learn the same."

He grabbed me by the back of my shirt, and threw me against a wall. I fell back, grabbing my arm. It throbbed but they needed me to much to worry about my pain. 

"Fi-Fine. Then let me make a bargain with you."

He stopped and looked at me. If Mard loves anything, its bargains. He's the best of the best at hustling people, and he only gets better with each deal he makes. Mard stared for a minute, then burst out laughing.

"You, make a bargain with  me?!"


"And what does this bargain include?"

"Well. It includes their safety."

"And if I   win?"

"Then you get my life. Anything you'd like to do to me, is your free will. I won't fight. I won't argue. I'll just do it."

This had obviously caught his interest but it wasn't enough. I had nothing else to give.

"That all sounds interesting, but I'm afraid its just not even."

"Then tell me! What can I do?!"

"Along with you becoming mine, I want you to pick."


"One of your friends, of course! For the exchange of the two of you to be my play things, the rest of them get to go. They'll be safe."

"But that's not fair! I want them all to go home!"

"Well its either one or all of them, you get to decide. The clock is ticking however, I won't give you all day."

I looked around the room looking for something, anything.

"I'll do it."

Oh god, no. Please no. Not that voice.


Mard turned and looked at Natsu, and smiled.

"Well, (F/N), it seems we have a volunteer. And what is your name?"

"Natsu. If we do this, everyone gets to go home?"

Mard smiled.


"Then just let them go."

"Dad don't!"

"As you wish."

Mards friends who had been standing around the room, watching this whole thing happen, began picking everyone up. One walked over, and opened a trap door I had never even noticed. Once it was open, the sounds of sobbing and screaming filled the air. Nashi. He reached in, grabbed her by her hair, and pulled her out.

"Don't touch her like that!"

Nastu screamed and I couldn't even breath anymore. My hands covered my mouth, hot tears streaming from my eyes. Lucas and Nashi both screamed for their dad to come help, everyone else was barely conscious enough to notice.


"We already lost mom!"

"Don't make us lose you too!"

My heart shattered. I dropped to my knees and sobbed. The sound of chains hitting the floor clinked and Natsu was suddenly right beside me.

"You two will have your own designated room from now on, and no more special treatment for you."

Someone ripped Natsu away from me, and a foot suddenly connected to my side.

"Stop! You're hurting her!"

Again, and again. Until my body was numb. I coughed and blood poured from my mouth.

"This is all you're fault! You're nothing but a lying whore!"

He grabbed me by my neck, and pinned me to the wall. I opened my eyes for a second, but just long enough to see the hatred swarming through them.

"This time, you won't be leaving."

He dropped me, and I fell straight to the ground. Everyone followed Mard out, leaving Natsu and I alone.

"Oh my god! (F/N)!"

The door slammed shut, taking most the light with it. Now that it was just us, it was suddenly freezing. My stomach growled, and my legs were stained in blood. I took my bag off of me, and set it down next to me. Without saying anything, I leaned against Natsu, and drifted off to sleep.

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