Chapter Twenty six- We have to go now

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Everyone kind of stopped reading this book (´・_・')

Where'd you guys goooo ╥﹏╥


Fog seemed to thicken all around us, and it was getting harder to see. Just as the turn was coming up, I seen something laying in the road. Swirving as fast as I could, the car spun around, and Natsu and I both panted.

"What was that?!"

I pushed my door open, and hopped out of the car. Running over, I dropped to my knees when I seen the figure of Juvia laying there.


I pulled her into my arms, and brushed the blood clumped hair out of her face. She mumbled something but I couldn't hear it. Natsu dropped down beside me.

"What was that?"

Placing my ear closer to her mouth, my eyes widened at her words.

"The kids. He's going to kill them."

"Natsu help me get her in the car! We have to go, now!"

He took Juvia from my arms, and ran her over to the car. After opening the door for him, I got in. Natsu jumped in after me, and I floored it.

"What did she say?"

"Natsu, I don't think you want to know."

"Tell me."

"I don't think thats a good idea."

"(F/N), please."

I glanced over to the side and seen him staring at me with wide eyes. With a sigh, I faced the road again.

"She said...She said he is going to kill Lucas and Nashi."

His fists tightened and his jaw clenched.

"If he lays a fu-"


He stopped, and I placed my hand over his.

"We'll get there in time."

"His shoulders sort of relaxed, and his tension seemed to lessen."


Juvia's voice sounded like a croak from the back, but I pushed down on the pedal as much as I could. The turn came up, and I swirved as fast as possible, almost going off road.

"Natsu, climb in the back and check her for serious wounds."

He nodded and hopped in the back. The air was intense and as every moment passed I anticipated what was coming.

"We're almost there. How is she?"

"She is going to be alright I think."

I looked in the mirror and seen Natsu holding her close, looking out the window.The fog seemed to thicken more but I seen our final turn. I turned the steering wheel so quickly we almost crashed into a tree, but we kept moving. The bridge started coming into view, causing me to step on the breaks.

"We're almost there."

I turned around, and wrapped Juvia in a blanket that luckily happened to be in the car.

"She'll be alright for now. We have to go."

I grabbed my bag, threw it over my head, and jumped out of the car. Natsu was close behind and we started running. The sound of clanking metal rang through the air as the bottoms of our shoes slapped against the bridge.

"You're sure they're here?"


The figures of people came up in the distance, but I couldn't make out who was who due to the fog. A scream pierced the air and my eyes widened.


The figures became more visible as we got closer, and my feet skidded to a halt as I seen what was taking place. Mard held Nashi by the hair, Lucas knocked out cold near the edge of the sand by the water. Almost everyone was else was conscious but being held back.


He turned to look at me, and disgust was written across his face.

"When will you ever just do what I say?!"

He threw Nashi by the hair and she let out a cry of pain.

"I tried making this easy for all of us, I really did. But you're back again!"

He rose his hand towards me, and I could Natsu flinch. Placing my hand on Natsus chest, I caught Mards arm as it swung down towards me.


My voice echoed and Mards eyes widened.

"I will not let you do this any longer!"

His hand struggled to get free but I used all the strength I could muster not to let go.

"These people are my family. And you are just a cold hearted man who deserves nothing more than to rot in hell!"

Taking my other hand from Natsu's chest, I swung full force and hit him across the face. He stumbled backwards, eyes widened with shock. Reaching his own hand up, he felt the blood dribble down his face.

"You...You hit me."

Once again that manianic laugh of his drifted through the air like a terrible symphony. But before any of us could do anything, he pulled a knife out of his pocket, and launched it straight at Nashi. Her frail body managed to muster up a single scream that sent chills down my spine. I ran over and dropped to the ground, almost everyone else running up beside me.

"Na-Nashi. Listen to me. Everything is gonna be alright. Come on. Stay with me! Stay with me, dammit!"

I dropped my face near hers as the warm tears streamed from eyes.

"Gajeel, go get Lucas."

Erza placed a hand on my shoulder and I shook it off. Wiping my tears away, I pulled the knife out of my boot and looked up at Mard.

"You sick bastard!"

Lunging towards him I took a good swing with the knife but he dodged it and fell into Natsu. Before he could fall, Natsu lifted him back to his feet, and shoved him towards me, right into the knife. His hands clung to my shoulders and more tears fell down my face.

"How could this?"

"I hope you rot in hell."

I let him go and watched as he fell to the ground.

"We need to get Nashi and Lucas to a hospital, now!"

Everyone rushed back to the car, but I stood there, staring over his body. He'd be dead in minutes.


Lifting his arm up, he attempted to grab my ankle, but I kicked it away. Right before I could stomp down, Natsu pulled me back and into a hug.

"We need you right now."

I couldn't manage to move or say anything. But after a moment of standing there, my body involuntarily began screaming. With each scream he held me tighter, comforting me with his warmth.

"Come on, we have to go now."

Losing You Again (Natsu x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang