Twenty Seven- Visiting

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The security I felt with Natsu disappeared when his arms unwrapped themselves around me.

"Look at me. We have to go now."

He grabbed my hand, and I moved my legs as fast as I could to keep up with him. The men that had been there for Mard all surrounded him trying to save him. My vision was blurry and my thoughts raced. My hearing was even getting hazy.


I could barely understand them, my focus was too off.

"Come on, we have to get to the hospital."

Then everything went blank.


My eyes slowly opened and the sound of beeping drifted through my ears. I groaned and lifted my hand to my head, feeling something tug. When I opened my eyes completely, I seen a IV in my arm leading up to a bag.


I was in a gown, but all the blood that was once on me wasn't there anymore. It wasn't even in my hair. Swinging my legs over the bed, I tried standing but almost fell. There was a knock on the door before it swung open.

"Ah, you're awake."

It was a rather large man with white hair.

"Hello, (F/N)."

Wait, that face looks familiar.

"Do I-"

"Yes. I'm Lisanna, you're doctor. We met a while back, at the cafe."

She smiled sweetly at me, and walked over.

"You've been through a lot, you're body is trying to handle the trauma its been through."

All the memories came flooding back, and I went into a panic.

"Where's everyone else?! Are they okay?! What happened to Nashi?!"

"Woah, woah! Settle down!"

She placed her hand on mine and the tension released.

"Everyone is okay. You can see them soon. For now I need to check up on you."

She began testing my reflexes and my heartbeat.

"Ya know, when we first met, I was just finishing up medical school. Who would've guessed you'd be my patient one day?"

She laughed lightly at herself, then held her hand out.

"Let's see how well you can walk, you have been out for two days after all."

I slowly reached out, and placed my hand in hers. With one swift move, I was on my feet. My legs shook from the amount of tension but I ignored it and did my best placing one foot in front of the other. She led me out into the hallway, and some of the nurses began watching me.

"You're doing great."

She slowly took her hand away and I began walking on my own. The tension started to release and I smiled.

"Hello, we'd like to speak to (F/N)."

There was a deep voice from behind me. I turned around to come face to face with a man in a suit. He was taller than I was, and had gray hair.

"My name is Metallicana (A/N did I spell that right?) . I would like to ask you a few questions."

I could see the glint from his badge poke out from behind his jacket, and all color drained from my body.

"We uh, we can talk in my room."

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