Chapter Sixteen- Kyouka

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I've gotta say, I've been enjoying your guy's reaction to Lucas last chapter. ( ̄ω ̄;) A lot of them are pretty funny to me. Oh, I've already got the rest of the story planned out. WARNING- SAD PARTS WILL OCCUR. Just saying.


My eyes drifted open as I felt the bed beside me shift.

"Nashi, are you awake? I had a really bad dr-"

My eyes sunk as I seen who laid next to me.

"I'm not your friend."

His smile, it made my stomach churn. I couldn't help but scoff in disgust.

"Right. How could I forget."

I threw the covers off of me, and ran out of the room to the kitchen. A few moments later, I could sense his presence in the same room as me.

"You shoudnt run away like that. You hurt my feelings."

"Why would I care about that?"

I felt a hand find a spot to settle on my waist, and I instantly turned around. No sooner that that, two lips were the on mine. They tasted of alcohol, and it was anything but pleasant. I shoved him off of me, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Did you not like it?"

"Of course not! Don't ever do that again!"

I ran to the bathroom, and threw the door shut behind me, locking it. Continuously rubbing the back of my hand over my mouth again and again.

A couple of tears fell, and the only thing on my mind was 'Please, save me.' There was a knock on the door, followed by his voice.

"Get dressed, something fancy. We're going out tonight."

I didn't answer as his footsteps faded away. When I got up, my eyes caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy, and my mouth was red. Being as quiet as possible, I walked up the stairs, and into the bedroom. On the bed was a black cocktail dress. Strapless too. He always wanted me to wear the strapless ones- said it entertained him more. What a pig. I grabbed the dress, threw it on, then sat down on the bed. My phone vibrated, and I pulled it out to look at it. My body froze when I read the caller ID.


I closed my eyes, slid the button to decline, and put my phone back. As much as I wanted to talk to him, to hear his voice, I took every bit of strength in my body and chose not to. I was doing this for him and the family I made. I've already come this far, its to late to go back. Mard stepped into the room, the same outfit as usual.

"Aren't you going to change?"


I rolled my eyes, and stood up.

"Where are we going?"

"Kyouka is throwing a party."

My heart nearly stopped at her name. If there was anyone I hated as much as Mard, it was her. Not only would her and Mard flirt and even kiss in front of me, she'd take it upon herself to beat me. She was wealthy, had a nice house, and threw nice parties, but she was scary as hell. Kyouka is practically famous in the underworld, known to make people blind or deaf. She's strong. Make one wrong move and you might even have to say goodbye to your 'sense of touch'. She can't actually take it away, but she's pretty good with a knife.

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