Chapter Fifteen- Lets Go Get Her

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Woah, guess who's back already ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌. It seems a lot of people liked the last chapter, which is kind of weird because I just wrote it off the top of my head BUT thank you for all the support. Not gonna lie, I was thinking about giving up on this book all together, but I'm glad I didn't.


Natsu's POV

My body is shaking and I have no idea why. Opening one eye, a blurry figure of Nashi stood there, pushing me back and forth.

"What is it?"

"Where's (F/N)?"

"Isn't she in your bed?"

"No! I checked the couch, too!"

Pushing my blanket off, it fell to the floor with a loud 'woosh'.

"I seen her last night, and she was sitting on the couch."

"Me too...Oh, wait! I remember her saying something about going yo buy mil last night! Come to think of it, she had a duffle bag with her. I guess she must be buying a lot of milk."

Nashi gave me a look clearly stating she thought I was the stupidest person in the world.

"Are you serious?"

"Well, yea."

"Dad, she didn't go buy milk! She left! And you didn't stop her!"

I'm starting to see what the duffle bag was for.

"A-Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!"

"Do you know where she might have went?"

"I don't know. Call Mira or Erza and see if they know anything."


I grabbed my phone off the desk, clicked Mira's contact, and waited for someone to pick up.


"Mira? Have you seen (F/N)?"

"No, why? Isn't she with you?"

"No. She left last night, and we don't know where she went."

"I see. Natsu, I'll be over in a minute. We need to talk about something."


She hung the phone up, and I set it back down.


"Mira said she needed to talk to us about something. We'll have to wait 'till she gets here."


She stomped off, murmuring something to herself. With a sigh, I laid back down, and stared at the ceiling.

"I wonder if this has to do with what happened at the resteraunt. She seemed upset."

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