Chapter Thirty Two- My family

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Yo yo homie joes. So I just made a second account ( dingmyd0ng ) and it'd be much appreciated if you loves could go follow it ;))

No stories have been posted yet but I will be putting one on their soon, that account will probably be for band fics because Im trash, whoops. Alright, onto the story.


"Just breath. You can do it. Breath."

"I'm fucking breathing!" I snapped at the nurse. Deep down, for a short second I felt bad for yelling at her until the intense wave of pain came crashing back over me. But before I knew it, the sound of a baby crying echoed the room, and a smile of relief brushed over my face.

"Its...a girl!"

My sight started going out, and the last thing I remember was the sight of a small baby girl being held by the nurse.


"You're up!"

Natsu's pink tuffs of hair were the first thing I seen as my eyes drifted opened, and I smiled at him.

"You passed out right after."

"Where is she?"

And my question was immediatly answered by the sound of a baby crying. I looked over, and there she was. She was small, and precious. Oh god, she was the most precious thing I have ever seen. Natsu walked over, and gently picked her up, carrying her over to me, and placing her in my arms.

"She's cute, aint she? I think she's got my eyes."

Natsu stared contently at the baby.

"Little Arya."

I let Natsu pick the name, it was something he liked.

Nashi and Lucas ran in, and looked at her.

"Lucas, look! Its our little sister."

"I see that."

Lucas was kind of upset, because her birthday was only two weeks after theirs. He eventually got over it though.

"I'm gonna be a great big sister."

"Of course you are. We get to go home later tonight."

And Natsu was right. Later on, I was given the last of my medicine, signed some papers, and we were sent on our way. It was nice to lay back in my own bed, especially after that. Natsu put Nashi and Lucas to bed, and Arya finally fell back asleep. Natsu climbed into bed next to me, and sighed before smiling at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I looked at the ring on my finger, and smiled as it glistened a bit.

"Thanks. For wanting to spend the rest of your life with me."

He laughed, and pulled me close, running his fingers through my hair.

"Who wouldn't?"

I snuggled in closer to him, taking in his scent. Even after years of knowing him, its still my favorite smell in the entire world. And I loved listening to his heartbeat. It was just proof that he's here with me. Sometimes I'm scared to fall asleep. What if this is a dream? What if I imagined it all, and when I open my eyes I'l be right back in Mard's bedroom? However I will say, if this is a dream, I hope I never wake up. Just as we were both about to drift off to sleep, the faint sound of a baby crying could be heard from the next room over. We both sighed, and just as I was about to get up, Natsu stopped me.

"You rest. I got this."

"Are you sure? Erza told me Lucy was the one who handled Nashi and Lucas as babies."

"Of course I got this!"

"If you say so."

He stuck his tongue out at me, and left the room, softly shutting the door behind him. I rolled over, and smiled before falling asleep.


"Hey, Natsu!"

He rushed into the babies room, and looked at me.


I held Arya up.

"You put her diaper on backwards last night."

"I did?"

I let out a short-lived laugh, and smiled at him.

"I thought you could handle it."

"I can! You  can't handle it."

He huffed, and walked out of the room. Letting out a chuckle, I fixed her diaper, and carried her out into the living room. Everyone was over, and I smiled listening to the bickering and laughing that filled the room. This was my family, and I couldn't be happier with it.

What even is this trash chapter. Sorry guys, Im turning into a bad writer.

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