Chapter 14 The Deal

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Syphil's P.O.V......

I woke up the next morning and Klaus was next to me asleep. I didn't wake him because he looked so adorable asleep. I ran my fingers through his golden hair and his hair was so soft. A few minutes later he started to wake up.

Klaus: Mmm... Syphil your awake already?

Syphil: I just woke up a few minutes ago.

Klaus: You're going to Reizen today aren't you?

Syphil: Yes.

Klaus: I'm coming with you since she might be there waiting for you to come back.

Syphil: Did they tell you to come with me?

Klaus: Yes since we don't want anything to happen to you again.

Klaus sat up and then got up from the bed.

Klaus: They said that the train will be here at 8am. It's already 7am so get ready to go.

I then got up from bed and got myself ready to go. Klaus was already in his regular clothes since he changed so quickly.

Klaus: Are you ready to go?

Syphil: Yes

We both left his office and went to Headmaster Randolph's office to check in with him. Klaus knocked on the door.

Headmaster R.: Come in.

Klaus opened the door to reveal that he was the only one in the room.

Headmaster R.: You two going to the train station now am I correct?

Syphil: Yes

Headmaster R.: Come back by tomorrow and see if you can find that letter you saw.

We then left his office and headed to the gates. That's when Klaus opened the academy gates and then we headed to the Train Station. We got there right in time because when we got there the train was just pulling into the station. Then we both got onto the train and head to Reizen.

A Few Hours Later......

That's when we arrived at Reizen after a fe hours on the train. Then we got off of the train and headed into town where I recognized a lot of the people. They waved to me and I waved back but we headed to my house in the forest. Right when we entered the house we started to look everywhere.

Syphil: I remember seeing that letter somewhere.

Klaus: Do you know where?

Syphil: All I remember is that he put it in a book.

Klaus: A book? Can you narrow it down to like what color the book was?

Syphil: Ummm... Oh the book was green.

That's when we started to look in every green book in the whole house but not a single note was found in them.

Klaus: Are you sure it was a green book?

Syphil: Yes I'm positive that I seen him put it into a green book. But I don't know where. Maybe there are hidden compartments in the house since my father did keep a lot of secrets.

Then we both started to look for different secret compartments but we had no luck.

Syphil: I didn't find anything did you?

Klaus: Nope

Syphil: This is so hard it's like there's supposed to be a key or something.

We both gave up so we sat down on the chairs since we couldn't find anything.

Syphil: This is hopeless!

Klaus: .....Syphil wait look at that.

Klaus was looking behind me at a small box that was in behind the book shelf but could be seen in between two books.

Syphil: I don't remember seeing anything like this before.

I moved the books and took out the box. The box was made of gold and it had a weirdly shaped key hole.

Klaus: That key hole reminds me of something.

Syphil: I was thinking the same thing but what though?

We both sat there facing each other on the ground thinking of what the shape reminded us of. After a few minutes it clicked in my head and at that same moment Klaus looked like he had the same thought.

Klaus and Syphil: The wand!

I took out the wand that I was given a few months ago and started to look around it. When suddenly I found a button and I pressed it. When I pressed the button the bottom of the wand turned into a key.

Klaus: Do you think that's the key to the box?

Syphil: It has to be or I don't have a single clue.

So I got the bottom part of the wand and stuck it into the box. Then I turned it and I heard a click meaning that the box opened. When I opened the box there was a green book inside with hand writing that looked like it belonged to my father.

Syphil: It's the book I was telling you about.

I picked up the book and it was heavier than it looked. But there was something else in the box. I handed the book to Klaus and I picked up the other object in the box.

Klaus: Is there something else in the box?

Syphil: Yes and it's a......

Klaus: I think I know why that object is in there.

Syphil: Why?

Klaus: I will tell you tomorrow since I don't think your ready to know.

       So we both started to read the book. We were able to find the letter that he got from Roxanne. It was shocking to find out that the deal was made to keep me from getting killed.

Syphil: I can't believe that he made that deal with her just to save me from getting killed.

        I started to cry since I found out the truth about my past and the sacrifices my parents made to protect me.

Klaus: Syphil......

          Klaus then got his arm and put it around me. Then he wiped away the tears the were coming down my face.

Klaus: Syphil it's alright.

          Klaus was there by my side comforting me since I found out things about my family that I never knew about or was told about. Then Klaus and I started to fall asleep. When I fell asleep I had no nightmares at all that night.

Klaus knows a secret about Syphil's past will he tell her in the next chapter? I will upload maybe one or two more chapters today. Also the next chapter will tell you the secrets about Syphil's past.

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