Chapter 15 The Truth

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Klaus P.O.V.....

When I woke up I was laying down with Syphil in her room. But I don't remember coming to bed going to bed last night. There is just a secret that I'm keeping from Syphil but I don't know if I should tell her. So I got up from the bed and went over to the desk where the book and box was at. I also picked up the object in the box which was a Tiara.(It's the Tiara on top.) Just then I heard someone behind me.

Syphil: Are you still reading that book?

Klaus: Yes because there is something you have to know about your past.

Syphil: What is it?

Klaus: It's about the Tiara in the box.

Syphil: It's just some old tiara.

Klaus: You don't get it. This crown belongs to the Royal Family of Crystalia.

Syphil: Isn't Gedonelune and Crystalia enemies?!

Klaus: Yes because a many years ago the king disappeared and they think that we're the one who kidnapped him.

Syphil: So your saying that my dad could of been the king?

Klaus: Yes and he probably left because of the curse.

Syphil: What curse?

Klaus: There's a curse saying that if the first born of the King and Queen is a girl then there is a demon that will come after his daughter and I think Roxanne is the demon after you.

Syphil: Then what about this contract?

Klaus: This contract was probably made because the legend says that if the King and Queen refuses he could make a contract with the demon to have 15 years with their daughter and on her 15th birthday they die of a mysterious disease.

           That's when Syphil looked down at the ground and started to cry. I couldn't stand to see her crying so I wiped away her tears and tried to comfort her.

Klaus: Syphil don't cry.

Syphil: Wish that I knew about this earlier since I could of spent more time with them before they died.

Klaus: Syphil...

             I felt so bad for Syphil. I knew it was a bad idea to tell Syphil about her past.

Klaus: I wish I didn't tell you because I hate seeing you cry.

Syphil: I'm sorry for crying.

Klaus: Come on we have some time to walk around Reizen before we have to go. So why don't we go and walk around Reizen before we go back to the academy.

So Syphil and I went and walked around Reizen for about an hour. Many people that Syphil knew seemed like they didn't know it was her until she told them. So we were at the graveyard to see where Syphil's parents were buried at. Syphil had two bouquet of flowers to place on their graves. Syphil stopped at two big gravestones next to each other and place on a bouquet on each grave.

Klaus: So this is where your parents are?

Syphil: Yes

Klaus: Are you sure your okay with coming here?

Syphil: I haven't visited in a while so I must visit them now.

I seen Syphil was crying so I hugged her to make her feel better.

Syphil: Come on the train is coming soon so let's get the box with the book inside and go to the train station.

With that Syphil and I left their graves and headed to her house to pick up the box and our other stuff. Then we headed to the train station after we went to her house. We waited a few minutes and then the train came into the station. After the train came to a stop at the station we got on to the train and headed back to the academy.

Syphil: How do you think they'll react to this book and letter.

Klaus: I'm pretty sure that they'll be very shocked since they won't be expecting this.

Syphil: Do you think your father knows the truth about my parents?

Klaus: Most likely since he has known them for a very long time.

Syphil: So he could know whether or not my parents were the rulers of Crystalia.

Klaus: It is possible.

A Few Hours Later.....

A few hours later we arrived back at the academy. My father was waiting at the station for us.

Walter: Welcome back. Were you able to find the letter?

Syphil: Yes.

Klaus: We have a question for you.

Walter: What is it?

Klaus: Is it true that Syphil's parents were the rulers of Crystalia?

When I said that my fathers face became shocked since he wasn't expecting me to say that.

Walter: I guess you figured it out. Yes they were the King and Queen of Crystalia. So how did you find out?

Syphil: We found this with the book.

Syphil took the crown out of the box I was carrying.

Walter: You found the crown that belongs to the Princess of Crystalia which is you.

Syphil: You knew this the whole time didn't you.

Walter: Yes I'm sorry that I didn't tell you because your father told me not to tell you and let you find out yourself.

Syphil: Why wouldn't he want you to tell me?

Walter: I asked him but never told.

Syphil: Let's head back and show them this letter and book.

That's when we all headed back to the academy and showed everyone the letter and book.

Headmaster R.: I would of thought that it was a deal to keep you from getting killed.

Mr. Sebastian: So they made the deal so they could spend 15 years with you.

Everyone started to look sad at the knew information that they read.

Mr. Alfred: But it doesn't make sense how she is coming after you when the deal says that she wasn't allowed to speak to you.

Syphil: Maybe because she thinks since my parents are gone the deal is void.

Professor S.: A demon that doesn't keep their word.

Miss. Madeline: Tomorrow and today is the only time we have left so what are we going to do?

Walter: We need to think of a plan now.

           With that everyone got serious and started to think of ways to stop her from taking over.

I'm thinking of new ideas for the next chapter but can't upload anymore chapters today since I'm busy. So the next chapter will be out tomorrow. Note I have to say that on the weekdays I'll be only uploading 1 chapter a day since I'll be busy and I'll upload about 3 or less chapters each Saturday and Sunday.

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