Chapter 31 The Incident

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Klaus's P.O.V...

        It was a few weeks before we went on break. But students were already packing for their trip back to their homeA few were staying at the academy which consisted Luca, Yukiya, and a few other students. Elias and I were going to head home like we did every year. Syphil was going to Crystalia and meet the rest of her family that she hasn't met yet. Syphil was in class and she was supposed to be coming at any minute now since her classes were going to end soon. Just then I hear a knock at the door.

Klaus: Come in

At the next moment I seen Elias walk in looking kinda worried and covered in blood like his neck was cut.

Klaus: What happened to you Elias

Elias: Um... I wasn't hurt but Syphil was hurt pretty bad but it wasn't her that casted the spell on her that hurt her...

Klaus: Did they do it on purpose?!?! When did it happen?!

           I was starting to panic when I heard his say this and seen that Elias start to look even more worried.

Elias: Today in class...

Elias's P.O.V...

Class just started and Headmaster Randolph was explaining what we were going to learn today. He said that we we're going to learn how to do summoning magic but at the basic level. We were going to summon a small creature like a winged-bunny or carbungle. First, we had to draw a small magic circle on the ground with a light pen which made it so that it isn't permanent. Then, we say an incantation that summons a creature. Syphil surprisingly didn't mess up like usual.

Winged Bunny 1: *Sniff Sniff*

Syphil: You're so adorable and nice!

       That's when I did as we were instructed and summoned a oddly colored Carbungle

Pink Carbungle: *Squeak*

Elias: I wish that I could understand you...

         I starred at the carbungle hoping that I understand it but it didn't work.

Syphil: Are you trying to understand him?

Elias: I'm just curious in what he's saying.

Syphil: I don't think it's much help even if you talk to animals since even I can't understand them.

Elias: Really?! That's weird...

Syphil: I wonder if a carbungle is really an animal since I can't understand it.

           Syphil and I were just talking there but just then we heard a roar come from nearby. Syphil and I turned our heads and seen a chimera jump out from the magic circle. The one who messed up was Rose one of the girls from my fan club. The chimera tried jumping at Yukiya and Rose but Syphil teleported and pushed the chimera which sent it flying.

Chimera 2: *Growl*

              It tried striking again but Syphil casted a spell without her wand the made the Chimera freeze where it was. Headmaster Randolph took his wand out and quickly casted a spell to make it disappear.

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