Chapter 35 Crisis Between Schools

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Klaus's P.O.V...

Syphil and I have been dating for a little bit over a years now since our one year anniversary was a couple days ago. The Professors and Headmaster Randolph informed me about a certain problem that has been going on for the past few weeks. It seems that a certain academy called "Crystalia Prestigious Magic Academy" has been competing and criticizing our academy. Headmaster Randolph has been trying to negotiate a deal with the other Headmaster but it hasn't been working. So right now I was with the Headmaster and Professors in the Headmasters office.

Headmaster R.: There isn't anything that I can do to stop this problem with the two academies.

Professor S.: It's only a matter of time until they call for a duel.

Professor M.: There's nothing we can do about this situation now. All we can do is prepare all the students.

Klaus: But you can't let them know the reason why you're doing this until you're for sure that they do call a duel.

Professor S.: He's right.

Headmaster R.: Then we just have to make an excuse... do you have an idea of an excuse we can use to teach them new magic and teach them how to speak that other language?

           We all sat there thinking of an excuse to use until an idea hit me.

Klaus: What about we say that the princess of Crystalia is coming to speak to with our academy and that she's going to come here to see how well the students are taught?

Headmaster R.: That would work but we would have to convince King Caspar to allow the eldest princess to come here.

Professor S.: You're forgetting that Syphil is the eldest princess of Crystalia and that she's here in the academy right now.

Headmaster R.: I must be forgetting because of my age.

         Headmaster Randolph laughed and so did the other Professors and I. Professor Merkulova caught me off guard when he said...

Professor M.: Seems like Syphil has had an effect on you.

Klaus: Maybe she has...

Headmaster R.: The unbreakable Emperor has fallen.

            I looked away slightly while I felt my face turn a bit pink. That's when the Headmaster and Professors laughed again. After a few minutes we discussed the plan. As the plan goes I have to tell Syphil the plan and she would have to dress up like she does when ever she goes to Crystalia to do her royal duties or when she visits to spend time with her family once every month. Headmaster Randolph said that every student will be expecting that the Princess will arrive in 2 weeks which will be enough time for everyone to learn the basic conversation and greetings of the language. Also they will be able to learn and become more powerful with certain magics that will help them in battle if they do call a duel.

            Right now I was heading towards my office and right before I left the Headmasters office I sent a magic note to Syphil that said to meet me in my office. When I got to my office I seen Syphil coming down the hall towards my office. So I waited in front of my office until she reached the door. When she saw me I seen her smile even bigger than usual. When she was in front of me I kissed her and she kiss me back then I opened the door for her and then I closed it. When we came into my office we sat down in the chairs facing each other.

Syphil: What did you want to see me for?

Klaus: There is a situation going on between our academy and another academy. This plan involves you so can you keep this a secret and help the Professors, Headmaster, and I with this plan?

Syphil: I'll help you but can you explain to me the whole reason for this plan and the situation between our academy and this other academy?

           After she agreed to the plan I explained everything to her. She didn't have anything to say back about this plan she agreed with everything.

Syphil: So this isn't really a test to see if the academy teaches the students well right?

Klaus: Yes it's just a cover up.

Syphil: When will this announcement be announced?

Klaus: Tomorrow at the start of class.

          After that we started to talk about the rest of the plan and how the 2 weeks would be planned out.

A Few Hours Later...

           We then finished talking about this subject and since it was getting late I walked her back to the girls dorm. Syphil seemed to get used to me kissing her and holding her hand now but I can still see her cheeks turn red and make her more flustered because of it. So we finally reached the girls dorm and she gave me one last kiss and went inside of the dorm.

           After that I went back to Headmaster Randolph's office to tell him what Syphil said about this plan and how she would help us.

Headmaster R.: Now all we have to do is wait for our plan to unfold and see the situation between our two academies.

Here is another chapter of the story. I almost forgot to upload today and I keep forgetting to mention that Syphil can talk now. Since the next chapter is going to have Syphil speak in a different language, should I make her speak in German or Tagalog? I can do either but I want to know your opinions. Next Chapter will be up next Friday. This book is coming to a end soon.
We'll see ya next Friday.

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