Chapter 16 The Plan

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Klaus's P.O.V.....

The Next Day.....

We were thinking of plans while Syphil was back to the dorms rest also since her lessons were cancelled today. But we haven't been able to think of any plans at all and the plans we've thought of had many flaws in them.

Walter: We have to know what they will do to so that we can stop them before they do it.

Mr. Sebastian: The only way to do that is to travel back in time.

Klaus: There is someone who can Time Travel but I forbade them for doing it.

Mr. Alfred: Who?

Headmaster R.: It's Syphil.

Miss. Madeline: Why did you forbid her from traveling through time?

Klaus: Time Travel is very dangerous. If she did something wrong while traveling through time she could get stuck in a time paradox. The last thing I would want is for her to get hurt again.

Professor S.: Can't she see the future through her dreams?

Klaus: Yes but I don't think she can control that. But maybe she can see something in the near future.

I stood there in deep thought trying to figure out if there was some way she could see anything that will happen in the near future. That's when I thought of a way that she can see the future without going through time.

Klaus: I thought of a way she can see what will happen.

Mr. Sebastian: What is it?

Klaus: There is a spell that will allow her to use her magic to see the future without her getting into any trouble.

Walter: But the spell is very complicated and it will use up all her magic.

Klaus: She always exceeds my expectations so I'm sure that she'll be able to do this with some practice.

Headmaster R.: Today is the last day we have to think of a plan so we must ask her to come now.

Klaus: I can call her to come here.

I went and looked at my owl to go to Syphil's room and ask her to come here. I made a screen to look at what my familiar was seeing. That's when it came to her window to see Syphil in bed asleep with Chimera next to her bed laying down and Winged-Rabbit on Chimera. My familiar then pecked at the window and Winged-Rabbit heard the pecking so it flew over to the window and opened it. That's when Winged-Rabbit got the collar and put it around his neck.

Winged-Rabbit: Syphil asleep now.

Klaus: Can you wake her up its important.

That's when Winged-Rabbit flew over to Syphil and shook her but she didn't wake up.

Winged-Rabbit: SYPHIL WAKE UP!!!!

Winged-Rabbit stated to jump on her stomach and still she didn't move. That's when he went to her chest and listened to her heart.

Winged-Rabbit: Good she not dead.

Right at that moment she started to roll around in bed since she was having a nightmare. That's when Winged-Rabbit fell to the ground with a thump.

Winged-Rabbit: OW!


She started to scream in her sleep while she was rolling her head from side to side.


We were all there standing in shock until.

Walter: We have to wake her up!

That's when I pulled my wand out and started to say the teleportation spell. I was now in her room right next to her.


Now it was Chimera, Winged-Rabbit, and I that were yelling at Syphil to wake up. After yelling her name for about 5 minutes that's when she woke up and sat up straight away. When she woke up she was sweating and breathing hard.

Klaus: What were you having a nightmare about?

Syphil: I just seen what is going to happen in the future.

Klaus: What was it?!

That's when Syphil told us about how Himoto and Crystalia were coming to the academy and attacking.

Walter: This isn't good at all! What are we going to do about the students?

Headmaster R.: We must get them away from the academy. We have to cover it up by saying there is a field trip.

Syphil: I also seen some horrible things that are going to happen to some people. I can describe it since it's too horrible for me to describe.

Syphil then looked away while looking very sad. It looks like something bad is going to happen to someone and it's going to be really bad. Chimera and Winged-Rabbit were there to comfort her since she was feeling really bad.

Headmaster R.: Klaus why don't you stay there with Syphil and we'll think of a plan.

That's when I agreed and then my familiar left. Now it was just Syphil, Chimera, Winged-Rabbit, and me left in the room. We were all there staying by Syphil's side since she was crying.

Klaus: Syphil it's going to be alright.

That's when I wiped away all her tears and hugged her. That's when the door opened and her roommates came in. They were both shocked to see me in the room.

Amelia and Natalie: Umm..

Syphil: He was told to be here by the Headmaster.

Amelia: Syphil is everything alright?

Syphil: It was just a .....

That's when she started to cry again but this time it was harder.

Klaus: Syphil it's alright no of it is real.

That's when Winged-Rabbit and Chimera started to comfort her while she was crying.

Natalie: Why don't we just go and we'll leave you two alone.

Then they both left the room looking very worried and surprised.

Klaus: Syphil a I'll be by your side no matter what happens.

Syphil: The thing I seen was that you..... got hurt really bad and it looked like you were.... dead.

That's when she cried harder than any other time. So she's worried about me getting hurt. I don't want anything to happen to her so I'll everything I can to keep her safe even if it means I die.

Sorry for uploading this late since everyone keeps stealing my phone and I had homework. I won't be able to upload tomorrow since I have a meet tomorrow for wrestling. To make it up I'll have two chapters the next day. Bye

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