Chapter 27 The Tournament Part 2

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Klaus's P.O.V...

We just got to the place where the tournament was being held. Everyone started to head towards a house like dorm which is where we're staying while we're here. When we got inside we were assigned a room. All the students dropped off their stuff along with Syphil's and my stuff . Everyone was told to wait out in front of the place where the professors were. When everyone was outside we were all told what we're doing today.

Headmaster R.: Today is the first day of the tournament. The first challenge is 2 students that are the number 2 will have to face off each other. Every student with the number 2 will be facing off a different opponent.

The students are broken up into groups of 3. Elias is the number 1, Syphil is the number 2, and I'm the number 3. With that Headmaster Randolph started to tell everyone who their opponent is. After a few minutes he got to us and started to tell who was our opponent.

Headmaster R.: Syphil your the number 2 am I correct?

Syphil: Yes

Headmaster R.: Your opponent is Rose Mason.

I seen the Mason sisters start to grin at the sound that Syphil was their opponent.

Headmaster R.: Syphil it's like I said before. You have to take off your hood since your going to be the first ones up.

Syphil: Okay.

Klaus: Here give me your hood.

Syphil then started to unbutton her hood. When she took off her hood everyone gasped at the sight of her.

Boy 1: So your the girl I seen the other day.

That's when I looked at the person that was speaking. That's when I also looked at Syphil and when I did she was crying.

Klaus: So I'm guessing your the guy she told me about.

Boy 1: What are you talking about?

Klaus: Your the one who called her a freak and why she wears this hood everyday.

I then started to lose my patience with this guy since my hands were shaking with anger. I could see the guy starting to get scared at the sight of me getting angry.

Amelia: So your the guy who made her cry.

Natalie: You're going to pay for making her cry.

Amelia and Natalie then stepped out from the crowd looking really angry at the guy. That's when the professors started to show a angry expression.

Syphil: It's fine just leave him alone.

We all looked at her in surprise.

Syphil: It's fine I already punched him in the face and slammed him against a wall.

With that we all went back to what we were doing. Syphil and Rose were teleported into the starting line of the course.

Headmaster R.: On your mark, ready, get set, ... GO!

What I saw was unbelievable. Syphil dodged all the objects that were coming towards her with no problem at all. My mouth dropped wide open I swear that my mouth him he ground. Syphil was far ahead of Rose since she only had to pass 2 more obstacles to get to the finish line. The last two obstacles were a long single rope above pointy rocks and rugged water. The other one was a tall cliff with just a single piece of land at the bottom there was nothing that she could use to get down. I was so scared at what could happen to Syphil.

Elias: This is crazy how is she going to cross hat without falling to her doom?!

Klaus: She can manage but still I'm really worried.

I looked a back up to Syphil crossing the rope unstably. Syphil kept on wobbling on the rope and every time I jumped and cringed at the sight. After a few seconds Syphil successfully crossed the rope. The next obstacle was the cliff. Syphil's eyes were closed so it meant that she was using her feet to see the structure of the land. After a few minutes Rose caught up to her. Syphil quickly opened her eyes and she jumped. When I seen her jump off the cliff I jumped and held my breath. Syphil took out her wand and casted a spell that I couldn't hear. But the next thing I know Syphil had metal claws on. She went towards the side of the cliff and dug her claws into the side making her slow down her falling. When she was nearing the bottom she did a back flip making her land on the tiny piece of land. She had to grab the flag that was there claiming victory. Everyone cheered out for her.

Headmaster R.: The winner is Syphil Constance. Your group will be moving onto the next level.

Syphil was them teleported in front of us.

Syphil's P.O.V...

I was able to win the first round of the tournament. After I was teleported in front of the professors my eyes started to burn but I was able to keep my pain hidden. I then walked back towards where Klaus and Elias were at.

Elias: Good Job

Klaus: That sure was shocking. You sure know how to surprise me.

I could tell that Klaus was smiling along with Elias.

Klaus: Syphil what are wrong with your eyes?

Syphil: What do you mean?

Klaus: They're water like your eyes are burning.

I could feel Klaus wiping the tears away. That's when my vision started to turn bright so I closed my eyes again. After a few minutes I opened my eyes and when I did my vision started to become blurry then I could see Klaus and Elias looking at me with worried expressions on their face.

Klaus: Are you okay?

Syphil: I-I-I..... CAN SEE!

Elias: HUH?!

Klaus: How many fingers am I holding up then?

I seen Klaus hold up 9 fingers in front of me.

Syphil: Your holding up 9 fingers.

Elias: How is your vision back? You were supposed to be blind forever.

Syphil: I don't know either.

We all stood there thinking why this was happening to me.

I'm sorry for not updating I've been super busy. I had a essay due today and a report. I have to put this story on hold until March since I have a book report due soon and I haven't even finished the book so I have a lot to do. I'm sorry all but I promise that I will upload like how I did before after March Bye.

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