Chapter 37 What Now?

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Before I start this chapter won't be that good because I'm having a bit of writers block.

Klaus's P.O.V...

After the news about the other academy, it seems that the professors and Syphil are quite worried but I don't know what though. The professors just left to discuss what was going to happen from now on and it gives me time to ask Syphil what was wrong.

Klaus: Why are you so worried?

Syphil: I'm guessing you don't know.

Klaus: Know what?

Syphil: The reason why I'm so worried is because Crystalia Prestigious Magic Academy is known to use black magic.

Klaus: What?! Why hasn't your uncle done anything to stop this?!

Syphil: He's been trying for years to ban the use of black magic but it's been turned down many times.

Klaus: So you mean when the academy goes against them, they'll use black magic to just win?

Syphil: Yes and many students here could....

Klaus: Could what?

Syphil: Be... Killed...

           Right when she said that she started to cry and my heart dropped. I then hugged Syphil since I knew what was going through her head.

Klaus: Syphil its okay... stop crying.

Syphil: I don't want anyone to get hurt...

Klaus: Don't worry we'll find a way to make it so no one gets hurt so smile Syphil.

             Syphil was making a pouty face so I got both her cheeks and pulled on them.

Syphil: Owwww!!! Klaus pleash let go of my cheeksh!

Klaus: Not until I see you smile!

                 That's when I seen her smile or at least try. So I finally let go and she immediately started to rub her cheeks when I let go.

Syphil: Klaus... that hurt.

Klaus: I know but it was the only way that I could get you to smile since you were pouting.

Syphil: Still you didn't have to pinch my cheeks.

                Syphil was now smiling so for now I'm trying to keep her mind off of the situation.

Klaus: Come on let's go outside its stuffy in here.

Syphil: I'm still in this dress.

Klaus: I guess I'll have to change you then!

                 Syphil's face turned into fear.

Syphil: Eeeeeeek!!! No Klaus!!!

Klaus: Come on I won't do anything to you.

Syphil: I don't trust you!

Klaus: I guess we'll have to do this the hard way...

                   That's when Syphil turned around and tried to run away but I caught her before she had the chance. Then I started to unzip her dress in the back and when I did I felt her jump.

Klaus: Oh come on I won't do anything to you...

Syphil: You said that before and you did do something...

Klaus: You seduced me last time!

Syphil: How did I do that?

Klaus: The clothes you were wearing showed so much skin!

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