Chapter 20 Depression

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Klaus's P.O.V...

A Month Later...

Everyday from the day Syphil fell asleep I haven't been myself. I've been more strict and w. -stressed. Everyone was more scared of me now because they seen how mean I could get. I was in my office doing my work but I haven't been able to focus at all.

Klaus: *Sigh* This is hopeless!

I got my head and rested it on my desk since I couldn't focus on anything ever since Syphil fell asleep. I just sat there sitting in silence while closing my eyes. Just then I felt someone's presence so my hand shot up grabbing the hand.

Randy: Oh... Your awake ahah.

        Randy had a permanent marker in his hand and he was about to draw on my face.

Klaus: What do you want? I'm already stressed enough.

Randy: I was just looking for Syphil since she's always with you.

Klaus: She's not.... here.

           I looked down at the ground trying to not think about Syphil. I then started to cry because I thought of when we both spent time together.

Randy: Did something happen to her?!

Klaus: I don't... want to talk about it!

I was yelling at him while I was crying. When I did he left the room with a worried expression on his face. When he left the room there were students outside that looked really shocked. I was pretty sure that they heard me yell at Randy. After Randy left I was in my office all alone in the dark just sitting there for a few minutes. Until I heard a knock at the door.

Headmaster R.: Klaus its me may I come in?

           I then rushed to make the room look like how it always looked. Then I pretended to do paperwork.

Klaus: Come in

           That's when the doors opened and Headmaster Randolph walked in. He had a concerned look on his face.

Klaus: Is there something you need?

Headmaster R.: I just heard from Randy that you were upset about something. I'm guessing that it's about Syphil am I correct?

Klaus: Why that little....! Also yes, I just want to be alone for now.

Headmaster R.: We can understand that but please don't do anything bad.

Klaus: I won't.

Headmaster R.: Also are the papers I gave you yesterday done?

Klaus: Yes their on that table right there.

            I pointed to a table by the door which had tons of papers on it. With that Headmaster Randolph nodded and got the papers then left the room.

Klaus: I might as well get these papers done.

           So I closed all the blinds and started on the paperwork that's supposed to be done by tomorrow. After I was done I just went back to what I was doing before which was sitting in the dark. Then there was knocking at the door again.

Elias: Klaus its me may I come in?

Klaus: Go ahead.

           Elias then walked into the room and when he saw me his eyes widened in surprise.

Klaus: What?

Elias: I've never seen you like this before.

Klaus: What do you mean?

Elias: I've never seen you look so depressed.

Klaus: So what?

Elias: What happened?

Klaus: I..... don't want to talk about it.

Elias: Also have you seen Syphil lately since I haven't seen her in class for the past month?

           I then clinched my hands to form a fist and I then smashed my hands onto the table next to me. When I did I seen Elias jump in shock and fright. I also then started to cry my eyes out.

Elias: Klaus... did something happen?

Klaus: Fine I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone else I told you this.

Elias: I won't.

         So I started to explain to Elias what happened to Syphil and what has been happening.

Elias: Klaus I'm sorry for bringing it up.

Klaus: It's fine it's just that I want to be all alone for now. So what was it that you needed?

Elias: I was just going to ask if you had a certain book that I was looking for.

Klaus: Go ahead and look on that shelf.

I pointed to the shelf by my desk which had many books about magic tools and about curtain magical powers.

Elias: Klaus please don't do anything bad.

Klaus: What would I do?

Elias then looked at me with certain expression on his face.

Klaus: Okay never mind and I won't do that.

Elias: Good now I'm going to leave you alone now.

So Elias got the book he was looking for and he left my office. After he left I got bored so I got a book off the shelf but when I opened it, it turned out to be a photo album. So I closed the book but a picture fell out so I picked it up and looked at it. I seen that it was a picture of Syphil and I during the summer at the beach. She was in my arms and I was going to throw her into the ocean but she ended up dragging me down with her.

Klaus: *chuckle*

That's has to be one of the best memories Syphil and I had. I was now smiling but deep inside I was still depressed. Then I put the picture back in the book and the book back on the shelf. I then got another book and started to read it. When I finished the book it was already nighttime.

Klaus: I guess I lost track of time.

I then started to walk to the dorms to get some rest. It was dinner time and everyone was eating. The housemother walked up to me and asked me a question.

Housemother: Why don't you have some dinner?

Klaus: No thank you I'm not hungry. Goodbye

I then walked away with some students looking at me with a curious expression. I was now in my room in my pajamas laying down in bed staring at the ceiling. So I got the handkerchief Syphil got me. I then held it in front of my chest and I started to lose my consciousness then I fell asleep.

The Next Chapter will be out tomorrow but I don't know when. I'm working on it right now but I haven't made much progress.

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