Chapter 32 Another Language

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Klaus's P.O.V...

A Few Days Later....

           After Syphil was hurt I've been keeping a close eye on her. Syphil couldn't speak for a while since her vocal cords have been damaged badly. The professors and I have been teaching and learn sign language for her. She's been progressing very much. Rose is still in the detention chambers awaiting her punishment. I was teaching Syphil's class today since the professors and Headmaster had meet with the Ministry of Magical Justice.

          Today I was supposed to be teaching them magical cooking. Everyone was split up into groups of four. Right now I was teaching them how to bake Lava Cake that allows anyone who eats it to temporarily make any part of their body catch on fire. Mostly every group was having trouble except for Syphil's group. Well I mean... they're having some trouble.

Elias: So is this what you're talking about?!

Syphil: *Shakes Head*

Luca: This one?!

Syphil: *Shakes Head*

Yukiya: This one!?

Syphil: *Face palm*

             Elias, Luca, and Yukiya were all having trouble since Syphil couldn't speak. They were all getting frustrated since they didn't know what she was trying to say. So finally Syphil gave up and got the ingredient that she was trying to tell them about.

Luca: That's what you've been trying to tell us?!?! You could of just said what it was!

Syphil: *Glares*

Elias: She can't speak!

          That's when Syphil started to use sign language to say what to do now.

Yukiya: What's with the weird hand motion?

Elias: It's sign language.

Luca: What's she saying?

Elias: You three...stop

Syphil: *Nods*

Yukiya: At least she can't yell at us.

Syphil: *Glares* *Pouts*

Yukiya: I'm just kidding!

The three of them started to burst out laughing. Then they continued cooking what they were instructed to do.

An Hour Later...

Everyone was done making the lava cake. I was going around checking out the end results.

Klaus: For all the effort you put into your baking, you can eat them.

All: *Cheers*

          Everyone eat a piece of the cake and the cake started to work its magic but... some of them didn't turn out right. Some started to breath fire, grow wings, and grow scales.

Girl 1: What the!?!

Boy 3: What are these scales?!?

        There was only 3 out of 10 groups that were successful.

Elias: Seems like you influenced them Syp-. OWOWOWOWOW!

          Syphils hand was engulfed in flames and she was grabbing his arm. All of me found it funny that she was burning Elias. Since I was teaching the class I couldn't laugh out loud.

Klaus: This is a disaster.

If I were to give them a grade on this the ones who made a mistake would fail. Just the someone's hair caught on fire.

Natalie: MY HAIRS ON FIRE!!!

Natalie started to panic but Syphil was there to help her. Syphil used a spell that allowed her to control water. Syphil dropped the water quickly on her head. Natalie was soaking wet.

Natalie: Thank You. At least it's better than my head being on fire.

Everything was a disaster so I used my wand to change everything back to what it was before. Everyone then calmed down after I did so.

Klaus: I don't blame the ones that messed because this was high leveled magic. I won't count this as a grade but for this I expect you to find out what most of you did wrong.

Syphil's P.O.V...

Mostly everyone was relieved that he wasn't counting this as a grade. It seems like Klaus is warming up to the students which makes me happy that he's starting to become nicer. Just then the bell rung signaling the end of classes.

Klaus: Just make sure you explain what you did wrong.

Klaus got his things and left the classroom and when he left the room bursted out into chatter.

Boy 1: Did you notice that tPerfect Klaus got a bit nicer?

Boy 2: I know right.

Elias: Syphil didn't you notice his unusual behavior?

Syphil: *Nods*

Yukiya: Seems like you have quite the impact on him.

Luca: That's because Syphil's so innocent and pure that he can't help but take her innocence.

Elias and Yukiya's mouth dropped wide open and my face just got red. Well Luca isn't wrong...

Luca: Your face is so red, Syphil!

I started to smack his arm. Luca just stood there laughing while I didn't try to hurt him at all. So we stayed in the room for a few more minutes until I had to go to Klaus's office.

Luca: Don't lose your innocence!

My face got even redder than before. But little do they know that I lost my innocence months ago. When I got to Klaus's office door I knocked and came in. Klaus was at his desk doing papers like usual.

Klaus: Hi

I used sign language to to say hi to Klaus. Then I started doing what I usually do when I come into this room. After a few minutes I finished doing what I usually do. I then waited for a few minutes until Klaus finished.

Klaus: Sorry I took a bit long.

Syphil: (It's fine)

Klaus: Do you think you can speak?

Syphil: (No)

Klaus: Your vocal cords will heal up soon so for now all there is to do is wait.

From that point Klaus and I started my magical training until my curfew.

Sorry that I didn't upload like I said I would last week. I just had testing this week and I'll have more next week and the week after next week. 😓
Also Vote if you think that I should continue this book or write 3 more chapters and make a sequel. I'll upload next Friday when I'm free.

Life at the Academy (Klaus Goldstein)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora