Chapter 42 Day 3/4

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Klaus's P.O.V...

The Next Day...

Five of the ten of us have already gone and today the ones going are Joel Crawford, James Michealis, and Me. Joel of course will be in the singing magic category, James will be in the imagery category, and I'll be going today but I wasn't told what the category I was participating in. The only ones that still need to go are Syphil and Elias. Right now Joel was in the field facing his opponent. Both stood with a disgusted look on their faces while looking at each other. Both had the talent of spell singing which makes them both at an even advantage.

Referee: Hier wir haben Joel Von G.R.M.A und Arik Von C.P.M.A! (Here we have Joel of G.R.M.A and Arik of C.P.M.A!)

Right when the bell went off both started to sing a spell. Luckily Joel's spell was the first to happen unlike the other. The spell made the ground under the student open and made it so that it ate him up. Before it did so he was able to finish the spell and trapped Joel in ice. After a couple seconds of either of them moving the ground and ice began to shake. So when both of them did break out they both came at each other but this time both of their spells were quick as if they were racing each other to see which of them is faster. At the same time I seen Arik pull a dirty trick by using black magic to stop Joel from finishing his spell. Since Joel was unable to cast his spell Arik made Joel fly across the field into the wall. Even before Joel could stand back up or cast a spell he was again hit with another spell. The spell that was used made storm clouds appear and make lightning bolts come at Joel making him unconscious.

Referee: Joel ist unten und Arik Siege! (Joel is down and Arik wins!)

Immediately Vincent and Elias run down onto the field to help him get to the infirmary. He looked very beaten down and from here I can only see a little bit of how he actually is. Since the field was very damaged there was a 5 minute intermission that allowed them to fix the field up. I took at glance up at Syphil and she looked very worried even though only her eyes were visible I could tell she was worried.

Headmaster R.: So this is what they've been planning.

Professor S.: Indeed they just used the other students as decoys so they could make us think that this is the most power they had.

Klaus: I could tell from the start that they were planning something but I didn't know what.

Headmaster R.: So now they actually are using powerful black magic to win so everyone else has to be careful or else you could end up getting hurt very badly.

Professor S.: It seems that the potion has worn off.

We now had less than a minute left before I had to go onto the field. With that I took the bottle out again and put a drop of it into two glasses of water. James then drank one and the drank the other one. I still don't know what they're going to do but I know it's not going to be good. With what I seen with Joel I don't think that I will win this. Just then the bell went off meaning that it is time for the next duel. Right as I was walking on to the field the person I was facing was doing the same thing. He looked like he held a lot of anger inside but on the outside he looked so emotionless.

Referee: Hier wir haben Klaus Von G.R.M.A und Kolton Von C.P.M.A! (Here we have Klaus of G.R.M.A and Kolton of C.P.M.A!)

Right when the bell went off Kolton made the first move by making a big tornado appear. I was starting to get pulled in but I quickly disabled the spell before I got sucked up in it. Then I made my move by using my magic to make a dozen water arrow come at him. As it was coming at him he dispelled it before it could hit him.... or so he thought. The spell I casted makes it seem like the spell is disabled but actually it comes back behind him and captured him in water chains.

Kolton: Was?! (What?!)

He was struggling to break the chains but he couldn't because those chains are very difficult to break and it blocks his magic. But out of the corner of my eye I seen one of the other students had their hands covered in blood and they started to use black magic. I couldn't tell what the spell was but it involved setting him free from those chains. Then he sent another spell coming at me so I put up a magical barrier. For some reason my magic ended up not working and my barrier came crashing down making me get hit with his magic. I couldn't move my body at all I could feel that my chest and my arm was cut by something. Even though I couldn't move I tried to use my magic but it was still no use. The pain just kept coming and all I could do was lay there motionless.

Referee: Klaus ist unten und Kolton Siege! (Klaus is down and Kolton wins!)

I seen a glimps of his face and I could see him smirking. I then also seen "Syphil" and Elias run down to where I was with worried faces.

Elias: Klaus what happened out there?

Klaus: They used black magic to free him and make it so that I could move or use my magic.

"Syphil": Well it's a good thing that you weren't hurt as bad. Now come on let's get you to the infirmary.

With that they helped me up though I was now only starting to feel my body. As today continued all three of us lost and we were all in the infirmary from the injuries we sustained. Today they were the ones who claimed victory and we were the ones who lost. I'm not worried about myself because I'm more worried about Syphil and Elias for what may happen tomorrow.

Here's the chapter like every Friday. Just saying I don't plan these chapters out I just write what pops into my head while I'm writing this. If anyone has some ideas for the next chapter I will try to use them in the last few chapters. Well see you all next Week Bye!!

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