Chapter 24 Coming Back

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Syphil's P.O.V...

The Next Day...

          Today the first day in months that I get to come back to class. I was walking to class with Klaus walking by my side. I was wearing a hood like I said that I would. My hair was coming out from one side of the hood but I was okay with showing it. The thing is that I don't want them to see my face.

Klaus: Are you okay with wearing that hood? You'll attract more attention with that hood on more than it off.

Syphil: Well it's better than people seeing what I look like.

           That's when we arrived at the classroom.

Klaus: We're here. It's not too late to not go to class.

Syphil: I've missed a lot of class so I actually want to go to class.

           Klaus then opened the door for me.

Klaus: Okay then Bye Bunny-head.

Syphil: Still ignoring that but bye.

            I walked in through the door then I felt many students look at me. But I continued to walk towards my desk. After I sat down Natalie, Yukiya, and Elias walked towards me.

Natalie: Excuse me but are you a new student here?

Syphil: It kinda hurts that you don't recognize me after all we grew up together until you moved away.

           By the way the atmosphere felt Natalie and Yukiya were both shocked but not Elias since he already knew.


Syphil: Shhh... Yukiya quiet down but yes it is me.

Yukiya: I'm sorry but you haven't come to class for months so I thought that you dropped out or something.

Syphil: I've been um....... Sick these past few months.

Natalie: Also you haven't came back to or room for months. Winged-Rabbit looked so depressed while you were gone he hasn't eaten anything at all.

Syphil: He missed me that bad?! He wasn't the only one like that.

Elias: What do you mean?

Syphil: Someone else missed me while I was sick.

Natalie: Who?

Syphil: Who do you think?

Natalie: I don't know.

Syphil: It was Klaus. When he saw I wasn't sick anymore I seen him crying.

Elias: Klaus CRYING?!?!

Syphil: Yup.

Elias: I've never seen Klaus cry and I'm his brother.

Syphil: What about when he was a baby?

Elias: I wasn't born when he was a baby. Remember he's 5 years older than me.

Syphil: Oh ya. Well I seen him cry more than once.

Elias: Then you must be more special than anyone or anything else to him. Since he never shows that side of him to anyone else but you.

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