Chapter 26 The Tournament Part 1

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Syphil's P.O.V...

A Few Days Later...

It's been a few days since I last met with Klaus's parents and my uncle. I was just going to Klaus's office since class just finished. On my way back I kept hearing about a tournament that the whole school is going to participate in. That's when I came to Klaus's office. I knocked on his doors and he answered the door quickly like he had something important to tell me.

Klaus: Hurry come in I have something to tell you.

         I then walked into Klaus's office. Well it was more like he pulled me into the room.

Syphil: What is it?

Klaus: I'm guessing that you already heard about the tournament since everyone is talking

Syphil: What tournament?

Klaus: Its a tournament like the one the students took to get them out of the academy when Himoto came and attacked.

Syphil: So it's going to be at a town by the edge of Gedonelune where there is lots of space to set up a course.

Klaus: Yes and about that um...

Syphil: What?

Klaus: You know since you can't see the professors said that we had to...

Syphil: Had to what?

Klaus: Share a room while we're there.


Klaus: Hey! What's so bad about me?

Syphil: What could you do while I'm asleep?

Klaus: I won't do that... probably.

Syphil: WHAT?!?!

That's when Klaus started to burst out laughing.

Syphil: What's so funny?!

Klaus: Your reaction to what I said! Hahahaha!

Syphil: Klaus its not funny! I could imagine you doing that.

Klaus: So could I but I won't do that.

Syphil: Promise?

Klaus: I promise.

         That's when I started to trust him. But I still had a feeling deep inside that he was lying. Then Klaus started to tell me about this trip since he's been on this trip once before. He told me that the trip would take place for a whole week and other things.

Syphil: That sounds kinda tiring.

Klaus: Not really.

Syphil: When is it?

Klaus: It's supposed to be sometime this week. Tomorrow you will be informed about this but the professors told me to tell you about it.

         With that Klaus and I started to start the lecture we usually do.

A Few Days Later...

         It's been a few days already and all the students in the academy have been informed about the trip. Today was the day we go on this trip but I honestly do want to do this. I heard from Klaus that if I ran an obstacle course that I would have to take off my hood. Also the professors told us that everyone will have to to an obstacle course sometime this week. I was all packed with everything I needed. That's when I started to walk to the courtyard to where we're supposed to meet at. When I got there, there were already a lot of students there. I felt Klaus's presents nearby so I knew that he was already here.

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