Kassidy (One Year Earlier)

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"Kassidy?! Get up or you're gonna be late! It's your junior year, don't slack off now!" My mom yelled through my room door.

"Uggggghhhhh!" I growled as I placed my pillow on top of my head.

Here I was starting my junior year at The University of South Carolina and I'm now regretting signing up for 8 am classes.

"Kassidy!" My mom yelled pounding on my door.

Now I wish I had taken my best friend Keisha up on her offer to get an apartment together.

"I'm up ma! Dang!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed and stomped to the bathroom in my room.

I relieved my bladder before washing my hands and brushing my teeth. Once I was done I threw my hair up in a messy bun before turning on the shower. I took the time to find me something to wear while the water heated up to the perfect temperature.

After deciding on my black and white striped pants, I paired it with a coffee colored crop top, yellow blazer, and my black and yellow Jordan 14s. Once I was satisfied with my outfit I jumped and the shower and prepared myself for the day ahead of me.

"Good Morning princess," My dad smiled, kissing my cheek once I stepped into the kitchen.

"Morning daddy," I smiled hugging him.

No matter how old I was my daddy always treated me like a little girl. I'm not complaining at all because I am my parent's only child, and with both of them being doctors I was pretty much spoiled rotten.

"Hurry up and grab something to eat Kas. You don't wanna be late on your first day," My mom said, rushing around the corner with her purse in her hand.

"Mama, you act like it's my first day of kindergarten! I got it."

"Don't fuss Cassandra. Let her do her thing," My dad said before winking at me.

"Whatever Kyle! You two are always ganging up on me. Anyways, I gotta go. I'm running late. Don't forget to call and tell me how it went Kassidy," My mom kissed my forehead and my dad's lips then zoomed out the door.

"That lady is nuts," I said chuckling before grabbing my backpack.

"You know how your mom is. I gotta head out too. Have a good day and make sure you eat something Kas. You don't wanna burn yourself out."

"Ok, daddy. Enjoy your day also!"

I made sure I had my essentials, which were my phone and charger before heading out the door. I locked up and pressed the push to start button on my white Chevy Camaro. I hadn't stepped foot on campus and was already over being there.

"So what Keish?" I asked my best friend annoyingly as I sat across from her at the table in Applebees.

"Really Kas? You know what I'm talking about! Did you ask your parents yet?"

"Hell nah! And I don't plan to either."

"Oh my God! Are you serious right now?"

"As a heart attack!" I replied.

"I mean you only turn 21 once. You need to live a little girl. That good girl role plays out real fast. When's the last time you got you some?"

"Girl, please! Just cause I'm not out here with every Tom, Dick, and Harry like you doesn't mean I'm not having fun! I like my life, thank you!"

"Yeah well, your life is pretty fucking boring! And if you don't ask your parents about going out, I will. I refuse to let you grow old and become a cat lady."

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