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"Girl let it go! It is what it is! The world don't stop cause one nigga not fucking with you. You know how many people walking the face of this earth!" I told Kassidy as she sat around moping about Dontae. I mean he cool and all but damn, it ain't worth all that.

"I don't even know why I tried talking to you! You'd never understand!" Kas said pouting like somebody stole her damn puppy!

Just petty.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked slightly offended. I might have done my thing from time to time before I got with Slim, but a bitch had experienced heartache before.

"It means that I don't expect you to know the first thing about what I'm feeling Keish! You're not a candidate for love remember? You're the queen of fuck em and duck em!" Kas spat.

I waved her off. That had been my motto, but it wasn't for no reason. I knew what it felt like to have a nigga rip my heart out and step on it, but that wasn't the case in Kassidy's dilemma. She had fucked up.

"You act like Tae broke your heart Kas. To keep it a buck, you did more damage than anybody." I told her. If I couldn't keep it real with my friend, who would?

"You don't think I know that?! You don't think I beat myself up everyday about that shit Keisha! I fucked up! I get it, but damn... if he loved me like he claimed, he would give me more than ass to kiss!" Kas screamed with tears building up in her eyes. I couldn't bring myself to sympathize with her. She brought this on herself. What she did was beyond stupid and I don't blame Dontae for keeping his distance.

Slim walked in the door putting an end to our conversation. Kas wiped a few stray tears before heading to the bathroom.

"Sup?" Slim asked with a furrowed brow before coming over and kissing my cheek as well as my stomach.

I shrugged. I wasn't about to let her drama ruin my day.

"So what's up? How was your day babe?" I asked changing the subject.

"Work, work, and more work. Nothing new." He sighed rubbing through his hair.

"Tired?" I asked sliding over for him to take a seat next to me on the couch.

"Annoyed and hungry! You cooking?" Slim asked laying his head in my lap. Instinctively my hands went to his head and I started to gently massage his scalp.

"I was gonna order something, but if you want me to cook I can." I said admiring his features as he laid back with his eyes closed. We had truly come a long way.

"Nah that's cool. I'm gonna jump in the shower and lie down until the food comes."

Slim sat up and stretched. I couldn't help but notice the worry lines etched across his forehead.

"You sure you're good bae?" I asked.

"We'll talk later. Give me a kiss."

I pecked his lips and he got up and walked off. I rubbed my growing stomach as I watched Slim walk away. Something was off with him, I could feel it. I wasn't gonna stress myself about it, but we definitely had to talk.

"I'm hungry!" Kassidy pouted plopping down on me.

"Bitch!" I laughed picking up my phone to order food.
"What's new Kas?" Slim asked as we made light conversation over Chinese food.

"Same ole nothing." Kas said shrugging. She looked up from her plate into Slim's face. "W-what happened to Melo?"

My fork hitting my plate made a clinking sound as I dropped it and looked at Kas as if she had lost her damn mind.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I snapped. "You can't be serious right now."

"Relax Keish, it's just a question." Kassidy said rolling her eyes.

"A question that should have never left your fucking mouth! What is your deal?! You won't be satisfied until we're at your fucking funeral!" I shouted smacking the table before I jumped up. I lost my damn appetite.
"You know... At first I blamed Mel, I hated him for what he did to you! Now I see though, this is all on you Kas. If you're that eager to be loved, you deserve every kick, punch, and slap!"

I wiped the angry tears that fell before storming off to my room. I couldn't believe this shit! She really had the audacity to ask about this man like he didn't attempt to take her life.

Slim came in the room about 15 minutes after me. I had my face buried in the pillow because the tears wouldn't stop.

DAMN these hormones!

"You feel better now?" Slim asked looking at me with a worried expression.

"How could she?" I choked out. "After everything he's put her through, she still cares."

Taking a seat on the bed Slim pulled me into his chest. For a minute he just let me cry it out while he rubbed through my scalp. I almost fell asleep until he started talking again.

"You ever talked to Kas about how all the shit with Melo left her feeling?" Slim asked.

I smacked my lips before sitting up and looking at him like he had lost his damn mind! I wish he would try to justify this bullshit.

"No! What is there to fucking talk about?! He beat her half to death, raped her, and left her for dead! I'm sorry if I don't wanna hear shit about that!" I spat angrily.

"I understand, but you should know Kassidy has nightmares. She jumps at people's touch, you never notice how sometimes she just spaces out? Because I did. And instead of chastising her I simply asked why she wanted to know about Melo. You know what she said? She told me that she wanted to know for sure that he was dead so she would no longer have to live in fear of him coming back to harm her." Slim said.

Now I really felt like shit. I just covered my face and cried hard into my hands. I probably did more harm than help. I needed to make things right with my best friend. I came from a place of love, I hope she understands that.

"Is he?" I asked looking at Slim who just ran his hands through his hair.

"I think you should go make amends with Kas. That was fucked up what you just said." Was the only thing I got out of Slim.

I nodded my head and left the room. He would be a fool to not kill Melo, I swear on everything I loved if I ever ran into him he was good as dead.

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