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"Why the fuck you keep pacing around and shit? Sit your ass down somewhere!" I yelled at Shaneice as she continuously walked from her room to the den.

I came over to spend time with my son and for some reason her ass couldn't sit still.

I know what y'all thinking. I'm not that dude, believe me.

See Shaneice was the first chick I ever gave my heart. She took my virginity and all, had a nigga on some I want this forever type shit. Well... Shaneice ended up letting her duck ass best friend convince her that I probably be out cheating and creeping during my away games. Being small minded, she let this bitch convince her to cheat on me which led to her getting pregnant.

I won't lie, that was a blow to a nigga's pride and heart. Especially since I was being faithful to her ass. Needless to say, that bad bitch Karma showed up and the nigga she cheated with wanted nothing to do with the baby so I stepped in. Shaheem was my son and couldn't nobody tell me any different.

The only problem I held was with his dumb ass mother. My son was two and I hadn't touched her ass in no way, shape, or form since before he was born. Why she felt the need to play these baby mother games was crazy to me since she got that title by default. If I was any other nigga I would have left her ass to figure shit out on her own, but even after she did me dirty I still loved her ass.

"You don't have to be an ass Dontae! You can show me some type of respect." Shaneice replied standing in the middle of the floor with her hand on her hip.

"Man what the fuck ever! You got to respect yourself before I can." I scoffed.

I was still pissed with the shit she pulled on Kassidy's birthday. I been blowing up Kas's phone for a week now and she been straight ignoring a nigga. Shit got me pissed because I know it's something there between us. She didn't even give me a chance to explain.

"You know what Dontae, I'm getting real fed up with your little slick ass comments! I bet if I was that little bi-"

I didn't even let her finish her statement before I jumped up in her face causing her to bump her back against the wall. Putting my hand up on the wall I leaned in really close to her face, our noses were touching I was so close. I just wanted to make sure she understood what I was about to say.

"You bet if you was what?" I asked through clenched teeth. "You better get your muhfuckin mind right girl, and quick! I don't know what kind of game you think this is but you better get that shit out your head! If it wasn't for that little boy back there in that room, I wouldn't grace you with my fuckin presence. Keep being stupid and I'm gonna say to hell with all this shit! I'm not obligated to be here. Remember that the next time you wanna let your bum ass friend pump ya head up!"

I was so heated I knew steam had to be blowing from my ears. This silly ass girl fucked me over and still couldn't allow me to be happy! I'm done playing with her ass though. I loved Shaheem but I'll have to let her raise him before I allowed her to keep fucking up what I had goin on.

"Bruh this shit got me stressed the fuck out." I told Slim running my hand down my face.

Slim and I decided to meet at a bar and chop it up over drinks. His ass was all jolly while I'm sitting here sulking and shit.

"To be real, this shit is your fault Dontae. Why didn't you tell Kas about that situation from the jump? It's not like you and Neicey created Sha together, you're just being a stand up dude. I'm sure she would have understood." Slim shrugged swigging his beer.

"The crazy thing is, when I was with Kas none of that was crossing my mind. We would just kick it and have a cool ass time." I shrugged taking a drink of my own beer.

I focused my attention on the game playing as I drank my beer. I let what Slim said marinate and he was right. I had no one to blame but myself. When Kassidy told me about her ex making a baby on her, I should have told her about mine. Now a nigga looking like public enemy number one in her eyes.

All I could do now was wait it out and hope she came to her senses. I been sending flowers and teddy bears and still heard nothing back from her. Not to mention she left the bar with Melo's bitch ass that night. Ain't no telling what kind of bullshit he put in her head.

"You heard from your brother lately?" I asked Slim.

"Not since I checked him about the bullshit he has goin on with you. Why? What he do now?" Slim asked giving me his full attention.

"I saw Kas leave with that nigga the night of her birthday. I know that's your brother and all man, but I'm getting real fuckin fed up with the games." I told Slim honestly.

I couldn't understand why Melo had a problem with me. But you know how that goes. Niggas are like crabs in a barrel, as soon as they see you trying to climb to the top they do everything in their power to pull you back down. I'm too smart for that shit though. The only person that can hold me back from reaching my full potential is me. I would never let the next man be the cause of my demise.

"Shit I feel you. I can't even be mad because you been taking his shit for so long that I've been anticipating you blowing up. I love my brother, but wrong is wrong and I can't justify that. Hopefully Kassidy smart enough to see through his bullshit man." Slim shook his head.

See what Melo didn't know was I'm the reason he's still eating. The nigga we got plugged in with didn't wanna deal with him because of his temper so he only deals directly with me. I never stopped slanging because I didn't wanna leave Slim hanging. Neither of them knew that it was actually me that was supplying them because I had a front man for my operation and I planned to keep it that way.

If Romelo keeps up his bullshit he's gonna be in for a rude awakening. I don't have to physically touch him to break him down. I'll just hit his ass where it really hurts, them pockets.
I knew I had one too many drinks when I left the bar and ended up in Kassidy's driveway.

Here I was sitting in my car contemplating my next move. Part of me wanted to get out and knock on the door, but the other part was telling me to take my ass home. It wasn't until I saw the curtain in the front room move that I decide to say fuck it and take my chances.

At this point Kassidy left me no other options. My calls were going unanswered and so were my messages. I wasn't receiving any kind of thanks or gratitude for the gifts I sent her. A nigga was in limbo bascially.

Walking up to her door, I sighed heavily before lifting my hand to knock. I had barely tapped before the door came open.


"H-hi Miss Cassandra. Ummm is Kassidy here?" I stammered over my words nervously as I stood at the door looking at Kas's mom.

It's not like I had never met Kassidy's parents, it's just that they loved me and here I was showing up drunk on some coming to get my girl back shit. She probably thought my ass was crazy now.

Cassandra cleared her throat, "No Dontae, she's not here tonight. Would you like for me to relay a message?"

"No ma'am. I was just hoping I could get a chance to talk to her. I guess I'll try some other time." I said sadly before walking away.


"Yes ma'am?" I asked turning back towards Cassandra.

"Don't give up on her. She's stubborn but she'll come around." She said before winking at me.

"I hope so, Goodnight." I said before hopping in my car.

I sat there for a minute before pulling out and I could have sworn I saw Kassidy peeking from her bedroom window. Sighing, I pulled off. I just wanted​ a chance to explain and if she still wanted to walk away I would let her.

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