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I knew I was hearing him correctly, but my heart wouldn't allow my mind to grasp that the shit he was saying was true. His lips were moving but I didn't hear anything other than we did all we could, but she didn't make it.

I could hear the beating of my heart pounding in my ears. After that someone let out a gut wrenching scream.

Closing my eyes, I opened them to realize I was on the floor in between Keisha's legs. Dontae was sitting next to me, and Kassidy was standing there covering her mouth with tears falling from her eyes.

The scream came from me. My heart, my soul, my backbone... gone. My sweet grandmother who had never done anything to anybody, just like that.

"Noooooo! C'mon man! Don't tell me that! I just talked to her. Please... tell me you made a mistake! Tell me my grandma ain't in there laid up on that table!" I begged the doctor with a river flowing from my eyes.

He looked at me sympathetically before he continued.

"I'm so sorry. Everything is still touch and go with Mr. Jacobs at the moment. We need to operate, but due to his body not being strong enough, we'll need you to sign a do not resuscitate form in case things go wrong." The doctor said.

Only the next of kin could give them permission to operate on Romelo. I let out exactly what I was feeling.

"Fuck that nigga! He deserves to die!" I spat meaning every word.

My grandma's blood was on his hands and his would be on mine. I told him countless times about handling business at her house, look where that got us. My grandma was the only thing I had left in this world.

"What?!" Kassidy screamed out. "Slim, you can't be serious?!"

I looked at her in her face before pulling myself up from the floor. Everyone was looking back and forth between the two of us. I turned towards the doctor.

"Let him die. If my grandma couldn't be saved neither should he." I said.

The doctor turned a shade of dark red as he looked at me astonished.

"Baby, I know you're hurting right now but don't do this. Romelo is an asshole but don't take away the fighting chance he has." Keisha said rubbing my back.

"What are his chances?" I asked the doctor.

"U-um if makes it through the operation, he'll need extensive therapy to gain his normal body functions again. He would need around the clock care." The doctor said looking over his clipboard.

"So I would have to take care of him?" I asked.

"Yes sir, you or any other family member that has the time to."

"Y'all don't have a care facility for shit like that? Cause I'm not up for that."

The last thing I planned to do was nurse this nigga back to health. He better hope God takes him while they're operating because if not, I plan to.

"I'll do it!" Kassidy yelled out causing us all to look at her.

I didn't miss the pained look on Dontae's face. I looked at the doctor and shrugged.

"Well there you have it," I said turning to walk away. I needed some air.

"Mr. Jacobs, you still have to sign the forms." The doctor called out.

I turned around and scribbled my name on the forms. My heart was so heavy that I just needed to get out of there.

Romelo had really fucked up this time. A lot of the stupid shit he did, I could overlook. This though... this was unforgivable. In my eyes, I no longer had a brother. Kassidy could bare that burden if she wanted to. If the shoe was on the other foot, Melo wouldn't have done the same.

"I-I just... I gotta get the fuck outta here man." I said to Keish.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the revolving doors. Dontae was in tow only to stop when he realized Kassidy wasn't following.

"You're not coming?" Dontae asked her causing us all to look in her direction.

"I'm gonna stay here until I know what's going on with him." Kassidy said not even looking up at us.

If looks could kill she would have dropped dead that very moment. I wasn't even surprised though. Dontae on the other hand, had smoke coming from his ears.

No one said anything as we turned and continued towards the doors.

"Where to?" Keisha asked as we hopped in her car.

"Anywhere but here." I replied pulling a tightly rolled blunt from the center console.

"You mind taking me to my car sis?" Dontae asked.

Keisha shook her head before heading back to our apartment complex where Dontae's car was. The ride was silent. I guess everyone was trapped inside their own thoughts. I don't know about them, but I had murder on my mind.

"Tae, don't hold that against her. You know how Kas is. Everyone else's needs come before hers." Keisha said after pulling into her parking spot and killing the engine.

"I'm good." Dontae spat. "Slim, I'm sorry about nana. I'm bout to make some moves and put my ear to the streets. I'll be back later. Get you some rest man."

"Preciate that bruh." I dapped him up before getting out the car and walking to my own door.

"You're not coming up?" Keisha asked with sad eyes.

"I need a moment Keish... just let me have a moment." I sighed before putting my key in the knob.


"Keish fareal though, I just want- no I NEED to be by myself right now. It's nothing personal and I appreciate your concern, but back off for a minute aite! I'll call you." I spazzed.

I didn't mean to go off but my mind was fucked up at the moment. Shit I was still hoping this was just a fucked up dream. Once I stepped inside my house and turned on the news, I was slapped with my reality.

My grandma was dead and my brother was fighting for his life.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I knocked the tv off the wall.

I started breaking whatever I could get my hands on before I broke down crying. Shit wasn't supposed to be like this. My granny was supposed to live to be a million and die peacefully in her sleep. She didn't deserve to be shot up like some fucking thug.

One thing for sure, my family wouldn't be the only ones crying!

My door creeped open and Keisha stepped through with tears in her eyes. She walked over and hugged me as I broke down and let it all out.

Damn grandma, what now?

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