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One Year Later

"Rod, get over here! Your behind gonna get enough of running off from me!" Keisha fussed at her one year old son. He was tearing up the room they were in and no one seemed to care besides Keisha.

It seemed like he was permanently on go from the moment he started walking.

"Don't be yelling at my boy," Slim walked up smiling fixing his bowtie. "Let him explore and do his thing."

"Shut up Slim!" Keisha fussed rolling her eyes. She picked up her son and picked some lent off his suit.

Slim chuckled turning to face the two.

"How I look?" He asked playfully striking a pose.

"Stupid," Keisha joked laughing. "I'm playing, you're looking dapper babe. Can you believe this?"

"After everything we've been through, if this day didn't come I was definitely gonna be kicking some ass."

Today was the day of Kassidy and Dontae's wedding and Keisha was overjoyed for the two of them. Kassidy of all people deserved a happy ending, so did Dontae. The two of them had been through so much.

"Shut the hell up," Dontae chimed in stepping into the room in all white tuxedo.

"Aww," Keisha cooed getting emotional. Love was such a beautiful thing.

"Oh Lord," Slim rolled his eyes knowing she was about to start crying and shit. "It's time for you to head back over there with the women. We don't need none of that sensitive shit going on in here."

Dontae laughed at the two. It was crazy to see how Slim and Keisha's relationship had blossomed from the beginning. They went from sneaking around being cut buddies, to a full blown relationship. Now they were a Happy family and shit.

"You get on my damn nerves!" Keisha laughed handing Slim their son. "Congratulations again Tae, I'm so happy for the two of you."

"Thanks Keish, it's been a long time coming." Dontae smiled.

"Right, but this makes it worth it. Look what happens when you fight for love." Keish shot back.

Kassidy and Dontae had given up on each other time and time again. The important thing was they always found their way back to one another.

"Oh God," Slim huffed covering his son's ears. "You don't need to be hearing this nonsense RJ. We're player made. They can't sucker us with all this lovey dovey crap."

"Nigga please," Dontae cracked up. "You been on the love tip way before me. Stalking Keish and shit. Nigga had a whole house and moved into that apartment just to be close to you, yeah, I'm snitching!" He laughed.

Keisha smiled. It was crazy how much she avoided Slim in the beginning. He was always hounding her for conversation or just a little bit of her time. Looking back, she was happy she finally gave in and gave him a chance. Love had proven to be a beautiful thing.

"My baby knows a good thing when he sees​ it." Keisha blushed pecking Slim's lips. "Let me go make sure Kassidy's not having a meltdown. I swear she's been acting like a bridezilla since the day this nigga proposed." Keish huffed.

"Baby," Slim called out as Keisha walked away.

"Yeah?" She stopped turning back to face him.

"You're wearing the shit out of that dress," He winked making her blush. Keish smiled and walked out the door. Slim still gave her butterflies.

The room the women were holed up in was in complete chaos. There was no need for panic, but because Kassidy was freaking out, so was everyone else. Keisha sighed heavily before walking in.

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