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"I don't think it's suspect at all. I actually think it's nice of Slim Jim to wanna send us on vacation." I told Keisha as we sat in her room packing our bags for a seven day trip to the Bahamas. She had been bitching the whole time since Slim surprised us with the damn tickets.

"Well you don't know Slim! He's been up my ass constantly since he found out I was pregnant. Out of the blue he surprises me with a getaway! Hmph, he got me all the way fucked up if he thinks he's gonna one up me." Keisha huffed pouting. I swear she's been on some crazy shit lately.

"What the hell are you talking about Keish? What could he possibly be doing?" I asked waiting to hear her logic.

"Spending time with some other bitch! Duh! I'm hip to the game Kassidy. I was a star player remember? This shit would be right up my alley. Send one away and get cozy with the next! Now that I'm fuckin fat and pregnant he wants to show his ass! Ohhhh, he better not let me find the fuck out! I'm telling you right now, I will fuck him and that bitch up! Pregnant and all." Keisha said throwing her clothes in her suitcase.

I laughed. "You're a fucking nut! That man loves you. Why else would he put up with your shit for this long. Don't fuck things up because you're afraid to be happy sis. Trust me!" I warned thinking about my fucked up predicament.

Keisha smacked her lips.

"You heard what I said. I'm not doing this shit for nothing!" She replied pointing at her round belly. "I didn't sign up to share my body and have these fucked up emotions to be cheated on. His ass will die before he clown me. Ain't never took me to the next state over, now he wants to surprise somebody with a damn vacation!" Keisha huffed pulling out her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked amused by her little hissy fit.

"Bout to call and curse his ass out! He got me fucked up!" Keisha spat leaving the room. I just shook my damn head. I can't with her.

My ringing phone interrupted my thoughts. I smiled once my mom's picture flashed across my screen.

"Hi mommy!" I answered.

"Hey baby, how are you?" My mom asked. I had finally moved in with Keisha. Although I was embarrassed by my actions, I honestly felt like it was time for me to leave the nest.

"I'm good. Keisha and I are preparing to head to the Bahamas so I'm packing for that. What are you and daddy up to?"

"Missing you. You sure you don't wanna come back home baby? No one is mad at you Kassidy. We all make mistakes, we just have to grow and learn from them." My mom said. They had been trying to convince me to move back home since I left.

"Mama, we talked about this. Dr. Shaw said it's a good idea for me to experience life outside of home. I can't stay stuck in the house with you guys forever. I have to live my life." I told her. We had this same conversation everytime she called. If it wasn't her, it was my dad trying to convince me to come home.

The therapist I was seeing said it would be a good idea for me to move out of my parent's home and experience life. He said the reason behind some of my actions was me being sheltered for so long and I agreed. It's always been my parents way or no way. That's why it felt so good to do my own thing. Of course I went about it the wrong way and with the wrong person, but this time I wanted to do it right.

"Who cares what Dr.Shaw thinks? I'm your mother and I have your best interest at heart. Sweetheart I love you and I only wanna make sure you're safe. I worry so much every since-"

"Ma I'm fine! I'm doing my sessions and I'm getting to a point where I'm feeling like my old self again. Please just let me do this. Let me figure this out on my own. I'm not a baby anymore, you guys have to let me go." I told her before she could bring up the Romelo situation. I hated to relive that portion of my life.

"Alright Kassidy! You win, I'll let it go. So you guys are going to the Bahamas huh? What is it, a couple's trip?" My mom asked. I could hear the smile in her voice. She had more hope for Dontae and I than I did.

"Absolutely not, it's a girl's thing Slim surprised us with." I said shutting her down instantly.

"Well that was nice of him. Lord knows we could all use a vacation." My mom laughed.

"Yeah, try telling that to Keish. She's convinced this is some intricate plot to get rid of her. Instead of being happy about the vacation she's ready to knock Slim's head off." I giggled just thinking about her ranting.

"That's just those hormones," My mom laughed. "She'll be alright. I told her at her last appointment that she needs to stop stressing so much! That's not healthy for the baby."

"You know nobody can tell her anything! Especially when it comes to Slim." I laughed.

"Yeah well maybe if she wasn't so wild in her ways she would be able to trust that she has a good man. I don't know why you young girls think it's ok to be out in the streets with every Tom , Dick, and Harry then expect to run up on Prince charming! She got lucky with Slim. A Queen attracts a King, Meanwhile bitches get the dirtiest of dogs." My mom preached.

"Ma!" I yelled laughing. "Oh my God I can't with you right now! Goodbye, I'll call you later."

"Whatever, I'm just keeping it real. But ok baby, have a safe flight and call me as soon as you guys land! Make sure Keisha behaves and takes care of herself. I also switched out her vitamins so make sure she takes them." My mom went on being overprotective as usual.

"Ma, I got it! I love you." I said trying to end the call.

"I love you more baby! Have fun."

I was heading to check on Keisha after hanging up with my mom but a knock at the door stopped me in my tracks. All I wanted to do was pack my shit up and enjoy my trip, these people just didn't wanna let me be great today!

Turning around I headed to the door. Standing on my tippy toes I peeped out the peephole. For some reason I felt like my eyes were deceiving me so I rubbed them and looked again. Sure enough Dontae was standing behind the door.

I looked down at myself and cursed for having on some basic leggings and one of his tanks. My hair was thrown at the top of my head in a messy bun and I really wanted to run to the mirror to see if any strands were out of place.

Him knocking again stopped me from doing so.

"Who is it?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Stop playing Kas, I saw your big ass eye in the peephole." Dontae joked laughing.

I smirked before opening the door. "Very funny," I said holding the door open for him to come in.

Dontae took his hand from behind his back and held out a dozen yellow roses. The gesture made me blush but I had to act unbothered.

"What's this?" I asked grabbing the roses and sniffing them.

"Peace offering?" He stated more as a question than a statement. "Look man, I know I'm not the easiest to deal with, and I also know I should have kept shit real with you from the jump. That still don't justify what you did, but I'm gonna own up to my part in our demise and ask for your hand in friendship. I feel like if I had never kept Sha a secret, you would have never... ya know." Dontae sighed. The thing with Melo was a touchy subject for us all. "So what you say? Can I have my friend back? Please?" Dontae asked falling to one knee. Of course that's the part Keisha's ass walked in on.

"OH SHIT!" She yelled with the phone tucked between her shoulder and ear. We could hear Slim's ass yelling what happened on the other end. Keisha took the phone from her ear and put the call on FaceTime. "Baby, Dontae is proposing!" She said on the verge of tears.

Dontae and I just shook our heads.

"Yes, I'll be your friend again Dontae! But no more lies and no more secrets. We have to keep it real with one another no matter how bad it may hurt! Deal?" I asked.

"You got that ma." Dontae said standing and grabbing me up in a hug. He tried kissing me but was stopped by Keisha's hand.

"Nigga please! FRIENDS don't do that! You don't see me kissing her in the mouth all day." Keisha spat. "What kind of shit was that? I was ready to pick out my maid of honor gown and all! Tae you need to go stand your petty ass in timeout until you grow up! That was some bullshit."

We all laughed as Slim joined in on the proposal jokes. For the first time in a long time, things felt good.

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