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"Kas, let me holla at you for a minute," I heard from behind as I hugged up with Kassidy on the dance floor.

We were having a good time and tonight was all about making my baby happy. I turned around and frowned at the scowl on Keisha's face.

"What up Keish? Why are you looking at me like I got shit on my shoe or something?" I asked with my brow raised.

One thing about Keisha was she didn't mind checking a person. I'm just not understanding her beef with me at the moment.

"Not right now Tae,

" Keisha rolled her eyes. "Let me just rap with Kas for a second and she's all yours."

Keisha grabbed Kassidy's arm and before she could pull her away I was pushed in my back from behind.

Whipping around quickly, I was ready to get in a nigga's ass. It wasn't until I came face to face with my ex Shaneice that I wished I would have turned around swinging.

Shit! I cursed myself. If I had known her ass was gonna be here I would have suggested someplace different. Although I told Kas about my ex, I left out one minor detail.

Biting the inside of my jaw to contain my anger, I grilled Niecey.

"Hellloooo, the fuck?!" Her ignorant best friend Porsha spat.

That bitch wasn't even worthy of my attention. Ignoring her, I eyed Shaneice waiting for her to say something.

It had to be Porsha's bum ass who pushed her up to come over to me. Niecey knew better than to try me on some bullshit.

"You ain't got shit to say?" Shaniece asked as she nervously shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

I smacked my lips. Girls were so fucking dramatic. She obviously had something to get off her chest judging by how she came shoving me in my back to make her presence known.

"Why are you here Shaniece?" I asked through clenched teeth.

I wasn't about to play this game with her tonight. Especially when I had both Keisha and Kas ice grilling my ass.

"You're not gonna introduce us to your friends Dontae?" Porsha smirked eyeing Kas.

"Fuck outta here Porsha! Don't make me embarrass your ass in here!" I said growing heated.

This Bird bitch was always instigating some shit. I warned Niecey so many times that this hoe wasn't her real friend. I can't keep count of how many times she tried to slick throw me the ass. She stayed putting shit in Shaniece's head and that's why I left her ass in the first place. She still didn't learn.

"Nigga you got me fucked up! Better act like you remember who the fuck I am. I ain't Sha, watch your mouth when you're speaking to me!" Porsha said poking her chest out like she could beat my ass.

I chuckled while rubbing the tip of my nose. This bitch was really bout to bring the savage out me. Turning to Kas I bit down on my lip before speaking. The mug she was giving me made my heartbeat quicken.

"Kas, can we go sit down and-"

Porsha cut me off by sticking her hand out to Kassidy.

"I'm Porsha, my friend over her is Shaniece, Dontae's baby mother," Porsha spoke.

Kassidy looked at her hand like it was infected with something. I guess she got the point because she dropped that shit.

Kassidy turned to me and I could see all the hurt in her eyes.

"Baby mother, huh?" Kas asked me sarcastically.

"Kas, I was gonna tell you. I just-"

"You just what Dontae? Huh? Wanted to wait until my birthday and surprise me with the news? Or were you gonna wait til we ended up married or some shit?" Kassidy scoffed.

Dramatic ass.

Sighing heavily I tried grabbing Kassidy's hand only for her to slap mine down.

"Come on Kas. At least step outside and hear me out ma." I pleaded.

"I'm good! I'm cool on this whole little situation. I should have gone with my first mind and left you where I found you," Kassidy said before turning to Keisha. "I'm ready to go."

Keisha looked at me with disgust before rolling her eyes.

"Come on," She said grabbing Kassidy's arm.

My nostrils flared as I watched Kassidy walk off. I tried to walk behind her before I was pulled back.

Turning around I smacked Porsha's hand off of my arm before yolking her up by the neckline of her dress.

"I don't know what the fuck you got going on, but you're gonna stop fuckin trying me!" I said before pushing her back so hard she almost lost her balance.

Turning around to face Shaneice, I let her ass have it too.

"And you! You're so fucking stupid that you can't even see the snake in this bitch! You keep following her dumb ass up and that's why you're in the predicament you're in with me now! Fuck is you gon start thinking for yourself?!" I yelled angrily.

Slim came out of nowhere with a bottle girl in tow so ain't no telling what he was doing. He wore a confused expression that didn't last too long as Porsha came charging at me with an empty Hennessey bottle.

"BITCH WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled as I sent Porsha flying across the club.

Security came over in no time. Before the huge bouncer could even reach me, slim sent a bottle crashing across his head. Once that happened an all-out brawl started. Chairs were being tossed from every direction as we stomped out the bouncer.

Every frustration I felt was being let off on his ass. I had tunnel vision and the only thing I was focused on was this huge bear of a man that I'm positive would have one hell of a headache in the morning.

It wasn't until gunshots rang out that I snapped back to reality. Snatching up Slim, I was ready to make a beeline for the door. I saw Shaniece crouched behind a table. Rushing over, I snatched her up and we made it to the outside.

I made it just in time to see Kassidy getting inside Romelo's ride. If I was on ten now, I had definitely just shot up to one hundred. This nigga loved to play games, but I'm done fucking playing.

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