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I was livid as Keisha pulled my arm leading me out of the club! A baby, this fool had a whole baby! I'm not even tripping off that, what got me is the fact that he failed to mention it.

Dontae and I had plenty of conversations and I honestly feel like this is something that should have been discussed in the first one. Not only did I feel disrespected, I also felt slighted because this shit came out of left field. Not to mention on my fucking birthday!

"Kas, you don't hear me?" Keisha asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Nah, what's up?" I asked with my arms folded and a mug on my face.

"I said the Uber is gonna take 20 minutes. You wanna go back inside until then?"

I smacked my lips. That's just fucking great. Now I'm stuck in the same vicinity as the fuck boy.

"Hell nah! I'm not even trying to look at Tae's stupid ass face right now! I feel so played I'll fuck around and slap him and that bitch." I replied.

"Well, lets hang out on the balcony. I'm not trying to be standing here looking crazy."

"Come on Keish. But if he comes out here I'm letting you know now, I'm fucking him up!" I warned.

We walked around back and luckily Keish was tight with security because he let us go straight to the patio from outside. I tapped my foot repeatedly as I tried to calm my nerves. The little devil on my shoulder was telling me to go back inside and show my ass, and I was trying really hard not to. A hand on my shoulder caused me to jump up from my chair ready to swing.

"Damn ma, I didn't do it." Romelo laughed throwing up his hands in mock surrender.

"Sorry, been a long night." I sighed taking my seat. I really wasn't in the mood for conversation right now. So I turned my back to Romelo and watched Keisha converse with the bartender.

"Damn, why so cold?" Romelo asked.

"Look, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm having a really fucked up night and right now I'm just trying to be left alone."

"Now see... This is where our problem lies, you want to be left alone and all I want is to be in your presence. So how should we go about handling that?" Romelo asked taking a seat in front of me and flashing that perfect smile.

Rolling my eyes I couldn't help but smirk. His persistence was admirable.

"I guess you can sit here. I'm not in the mood for conversation though." I told him seriously.

"That's cool too." Romelo shrugged. "But before we start this quiet game, you want a drink? Wait... Are you old enough to drink?"

"I actually made 21 today. I'm cool on that drink though."

Romelo looked at me with his eyes bulging.

"Damn, it's your birthday and you're out here pouting and acting shitty! Nah we can't have that. Come on."

He stood from his chair and attempted to pull me up from mine. I shot him a look that made him release my hand.

"Excuse you, Obviously you don't listen, sir. The only thing I'm going to do is sit here until my Uber arrives and then take my ass home and go to bed! My night has been eventful enough and I'm over it." I snapped crossing my arms over my chest.

Romelo twisted his lips to the side and just looked at me for a second before speaking.

"So that's it? Are you gonna let the actions of some lame nigga ruin your birthday? Your 21st at that? Nah, I can't let you go out like that."

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