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Slim had just put me on to some shit that blew my mind. I just knew my skin had steam coming from it at this very moment.

"I'm just trying to understand this shit... He broke three of her fingers and she's defending him?" I asked Slim.

I just couldn't believe that shit. Nah, my Kassidy wasn't that stupid. The Kas I knew, she knew her worth. She was too smart for that.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you. My dude, even I was flabbergasted. Shit had Keish 38 hot. She pulled the pistol out and all." Slim said.

"Wow, I'm at a loss... like what the fuck? Foreal though?"

"I feel the same way man. She's been at Keisha spot all week. Maybe she's done with that nigga, you know how that goes though." Slim shrugged.

I just can't see it. Kassidy's too headstrong to allow Romelo's dumb ass to mind fuck her.

"I wanna see her. I gotta see the shit for myself man." I sighed.

"You can try. Her ass barely comes out the room. And when she does she walks around like a fucking mute. I'm honestly kind of scared of her ass at this point. When I stay over I make sure to sleep with one eye open. Especially since Keish got a nigga on couch restrictions. I be feeling like her ass gonna go crazy and come stab me in my sleep because he's my brother. "

I laughed at Slim's stupid ass. Leave it to him to make light of a serious situation. Kassidy didn't know what she was getting herself into with Melo. Years of therapy still hadn't healed the wounds his mother left behind.

I honestly believe that Tiff is the only chick that can put up with his ass and it's because she's equally damaged. In a weird way, they balance one another out.

Romelo used to suffer from violent nightmares, he pissed in the bed til he was about 12, and for a long time he would hide in a corner shaking when any woman yelled at him. We thought all that therapy had done some good, apparently not though.

"You talked to him?" I asked Slim.

"Fuck no! I can't go around his ignorant ass without wanting to kill him. I heard through the grapevine he down bad though. Something about the plug no longer supplying him. That's just bad karma though."

"Oh yeah?" I feigned ignorant. Damn right I cut his ass off.

I felt bad at first because I know that's his livelihood, knowing what I know now, I'm glad I did it. Fuck Romelo! Any man that puts his hands on a woman don't deserve to get money. Not with me anyway.

"Yep! But shit you know I'm still good. I had been saving up for a rainy day. I got enough to last through a couple of snow storms too." Slim laughed.

"Well if you need any help, you know I can holla at some people for you. It won't be nothing to put a word in." I told him.

Slim had proved his loyalty on more than one occasion. I still wouldn't reveal my position to him because when people know how far at the top you are, they won't hesitate to pull you back down.

I don't believe Slim would do that, but I'm protecting myself. It's more of a precaution than anything else. I learned my lesson about revealing my hand to niggas.

"I'm good. I got a nice lil stash put away at the crib." Slim waved me off.

"When's the last time you been to check on your house? You still haven't told Keish that the apartment is just a duck off?" I asked.

Slim had a nice ass two story house out in the country. By the way he carried himself no one would know he was a nigga with money.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna tell her tonight though. Maybe we can go sleep there while Kas is at her place. I'm in fear of my life on the low." Slim laughed.

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