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My eyes popped open as I started gagging and trying to pull out whatever was down my throat choking the shit out of me. Tears clouded my vision as I instantly thought of what Romelo was trying to do to me now.

I heard a gasp and my eyes shifted to the corner of the room and I saw Keisha flying out the door. Confusion swept over me and all of the events that had taken place flashed in my mind.

Tears flooded my face.

"Welcome back Ms. Kassidy. I need you to relax ok. My nane is Dr. McGowan and I'm gonna ask you a series of questions. Blink once for yes and twice for no. Do you understand what I just told you?" The doctor asked.

I blinked once.

"Ok good. Do you remember how you ended up here?"

Again, I blinked once.

"Alright. I'm gonna get this tube out of your throat and run a few test before I let your family and friends back. Is that ok?"

I nodded my head vigorously causing the doctor to laugh.

"Alrighty then. I want you to relax. This may be a little painful and your throat is definitely gonna feel like sandpaper. I'll get you some water and ice chips for that and you should be fine." Dr. McGowan told me.

I did as the doctor said and relaxed as the tube was pulled from my throat. I started choking and gagging and a nurse came and with water and ice. I drank that shit so fast and refilled at least four times before I felt a slight relief.

"Feel better?" The nurse asked.

"Yes." I said hoarsely.

"You're a lucky girl. You have a lot of love surrounding you. They have been by your side around the clock."

I smiled and nodded. I heard everything that everyone was saying to me while I was sleeping. I was trying to open my eyes but it felt like they were stapled down. I only wanted to see one person at the moment before everyone came crowding me. Dontae.

"Dontae." I said lowly, still trying to get my throat right.

"What was that?" The nurse asked.

"Get me Dontae first." I told her a little louder this time.

"Alright. I'll do that. You just lie down and relax." She said patting my hand.

I rolled my eyes at her words. It wasn't like I could jump out the bed and run a marathon. What the hell else was I to do besides lie down and relax.

It's crazy how I'd been sleeping this whole time but I was still exhausted. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. When I opened them everyone was in my room standing over the bed.

"OH MY GOD!" My mom cried out once I opened my eyes. "Baby I am so sorry! Mommy would never put you in a situation where your life is in danger. If you would have-"

"It's ok mommy. I'm ok." I said grabbing her hand.

She broke down before excusing herself from the room. I wiped my tears before looking around at Slim, Keisha, and Dontae.

"I want to sit up." I said to no one in particular.

Keish came over and messed with the buttons on the side of my bed and pushed me up to a sitting position.
I ran my hands through my hair and winced in pain as I felt a sharp pain run through my stomach at the sudden movement.

"Be easy sis. You're banged up pretty bad." Slim said noticing my discomfort.

"Am I ugly?" I asked causing everyone to laugh except Dontae.

"No uglier than you already were, you'll be aite though." Slim joked causing me to laugh and wince again.

I stuck my middle finger up at Slim before looking over at Dontae. He was staring at the tv and wouldn't even look at me. That was bothering me because he was saying some really sweet stuff when I was out. Now he's acting like he's not happy to see me.

"You guys mind giving us a minute?" I asked Slim and Keish nodding towards Tae.

"Sure, I'm hungry anyway. Come on babe. We can go get food." Keisha said grabbing Slim's hand.

"Damn, I missed a lot huh?" I joked before they exited the room.

I looked at Dontae who was still acting like he was so engrossed in whatever was on the tv. I sucked my teeth and powered it off causing him to look at me.

"You're not happy to see me?" I asked sadly.

"I am." He shrugged.

"You sure don't act like it. Why are you being so standoffish? You poured your heart out when I was asleep and now you're acting like you don't even know me." I pouted.

I didn't like his attitude. I thought for sure he would hug and love on me once he got here and saw me awake. Instead I was getting attitude.

"Do I?" Dontae asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Do I know you? Cause the Kassidy I THOUGHT I knew would never pull no shit like you did. Why did you go back? After all that nigga did to you, you still went back and almost ended up dead. Why? And you let him kill my seed Kass... Damn man. How am I supposed to bounce back from that? Huh?" Dontae asked angrily. I was really throwed by his attitude.

"Is he dead?" I whispered.

"Are you fucking serious right now?! I'm asking you some real shit and all you're concerned about is his well-being!" Dontae yelled.

I shook my head as he glared at me. I wanted to explain but he wouldn't let me get a word in.

I parted my lips to speak but Dontae held up his hand cutting me of.

"It's all good Kas. I'm cool on the entire situation. Obviously you're not woman enough for a real nigga. Only a fool would make moves such as yourself and I don't have time for that shit. I'm glad you're ok, I really am. I love you... but I can't do this shit anymore. I can't keep doing this to myself." Dontae said standing from his seat. "And to ease your mind, nah, he ain't dead. I should have killed his ass though."

With that Dontae walked out the door. I wanted to yell and scream for him to come back so I could explain that I wanted Romelo dead. I wanted him to know that I saw our baby while I was out and he was a beautiful boy with his nose and eyes. I wanted him to know that I loved him too and I was sorry, I was just... stupid.

But words failed me. I couldn't get anything out other than the loud wail that escaped my throat as I felt a slight pain in my chest. Surely it was my heart breaking. I was so busy trying to prove a point that I had nearly lost my life and probably the only man besides my dad, that truly loved me.

That revalation was too heavy for me at the moment. I pushed the button for my pain medicine to drip and waited for sleep to find me. Hopefully when I woke up, this would have been a fucked up dream instead of my reality.

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