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Hurt would be an understatement. If I had to describe what I was feeling in one word I wouldn't be able to. Large raindrops fell making a drumming sound as they hit my umbrella at a quickened pace. So lost in my thoughts I couldn't even hear the words the pastor was speaking as he delivered the eulogy.

My dark shades prevented anyone from seeing the faraway look in my eyes. Sleep had become something foreign and the heavy bags behind my tinted frames gave evidence to that.

I watched as Keisha tried her best to keep it together, and Slim was too calm for my liking. Kas's parents stood off to the side under a huge umbrella looking as if they had the weight of the world on their shoulders. I didn't even notice everything was wrapping up until I saw the casket being lowered into the ground.

Taking a deep breath I walked up and dropped a single white rose on top of the all white casket. I didn't even bother wiping the single tear that fell from my eye.

"How you holding up?" Keisha asked walking up behind me. I turned and looked into her red swollen eyes.

"That's my question for you, I'm... holding." I told her.

"I'm here. I guess that's good enough." Keisha sighed.

"I hear you Keish." I said not knowing what else to say.

Funerals always put me in a depressed state of mind, especially when it was someone dear to my heart.

"Y'all rolling to the repast?" Slim asked after having a word with the pastor.

"You don't even have to ask bruh. H-"

Kassidy's folks walked up bringing our conversation to a halt. My heart went out to them.

"Hey," Cassandra spoke first.

"How y'all holding up?" I asked hugging Cassandra and shaking Kyle's hand.

Cassandra couldn't even get a word out without breaking down. Kyle hugged her and rubbed her back before answering.

"As well as expected. Some days are tougher than others." He said.

"I know what you mean." Slim said. "I appreciate you guys being here. It really means a lot. I know what my brother did was messed up and you never even met my granny, but thanks for the support."

"What your brother did has nothing to do with you and your grandmother. After all the support you guys show Kassidy it was the least we could do." Kyle said causing Cassandra to nod in agreement.

"How is she?" Keisha asked.

"Still the same. They are still trying to convince us to pull the plug, but I believe in miracles. Not only that, but God has the last say. I have seen these situations turn around for the better and there is no doubt in my mind that Kassidy will do the same. We gotta keep lifting her in prayer." Kyle said while still soothing his wife.

Kassidy was put on life support and the doctors were trying to convince us all to give up on her. I wasn't trying to hear that though. Everyday I was by her side talking to her and letting her know that no one was mad at her so she could wake up whenever she felt like it.

She had some kind of infection that was affecting her major organs and caused her body to shut down.

Shit was crazy.

I looked up and could have sworn I saw Romelo walking off in the distance. I turned to Slim to see if he had noticed, but he was busy talking to some of the church folks. By the time I looked back, he was gone.

My mind could have been playing tricks on me because I wanted his ass more than my next breath, but he wouldn't be able to hide forever. I put in a favor to some people in high places, as well as some of the most prominent drug lords in the state. His ass would pop up eventually. When he did, he was good as dead.

Keisha simply shook her head.

"Will y'all be joining us at the repast?" I asked.

"No, we're gonna get back to the hospital with Kassidy." Kyle said. "You guys take care, and we'll see you all later."

Kas's parents hugged us all and made their way to their car. I felt so bad for them. Their only child was laid up in the hospital fighting for her life because she fell for a fuck nigga. Part of me felt like I was to blame because I allowed her to walk into that nigga's arms.

"Y'all ready?" Slim asked looking at Keish and I. I nodded before following them to my car.
"I think I saw Melo at the funeral today." I told Slim as we both nursed our drinks sitting at the mini bar in his house.

Slim's head damn near popped off as he looked up at me like I had lost my mind.

"And you're just now saying something?!" Slim yelled.

I knew he didn't mean anything by it so I paid his aggression no mind. Shit nobody wanted Romelo as bad as me.

"Wasn't the time or place. Relax, he won't get far. Trust me." I told him.

"I would have felt better if I could have deaded the nigga right then. I mean he got Kassidy laid up half dead, and I just put my granny in the ground Tae! Do you know how the fuck I'm feeling right now?!" Slim yelled hurling his glass at the wall before he broke down crying.

This is what I was waiting for. He didn't shed one tear at the funeral so he needed this. I let him get it out before I spoke again.

"I can't lie and say I know what you're feeling, but I understand your frustration. That was your grandmother's funeral though Slim. How do you think it would make her feel if you tried to kill your brother at that time and place? Matter of fact, I think you should sit this one out." I told him.

I knew Melo wasn't shit, but they were brothers at the end of the day. I didn't want Slim to live with that regret for the rest of his life.

"That's not happening." Slim sniffled.

Before I could protest a text came through my phone.

Unknown: Got him, what you want me to do?

Me: your location

Unknown: Old Shipyard off Main. I was thinking of taking him fishing.

Me: Nah, I got something special planned. I'm on my way.

Unknown: Bet.

This was the best news I had gotten all day. Romelo's ass had been captured. I thought about leaving without telling Slim what was up, but my conscience wouldn't allow me to.

"Take a ride with me." I told him before heading to the door.

Today was the day. Romelo was going straight to hell.

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