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My heart thumped loudly as time stood still. The smell of gunpowder took over the room as an uncomfortable silence filled the air. I looked over at Dontae who stood there just as shocked as me.

"Get. Him. Off. Of. Me."

It wasn't until we heard Tiffany's voice that we sprang into action. Dontae and I ran over and pulled a bloody Romelo off of her. Three small crimson colored holes were the first thing I noticed once I turnt him over.

Blood poured from Mel's mouth as he fought to get his words out. I stood frozen looking into the dying eyes of my older brother. Romelo reached out for my hand and I clutched his in mine as I kneeled to get closer to him.

Mel continued trying to get his words out but I shushed him.

"It's aite bruh, stop fighting it. Fly away... you're free now."

I didn't even know I was crying until my tears crashed against Romelo's shirt making small splashes. Dontae gripped my shoulder with his hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze.

"S-s-sorry." Romelo pushed out before his eyes fluttered. I just held on to him rocking back and fourth.

Memories of our childhood played over and over in my head. The good times we had with my grandmother, the safe times in the safety of Dontae's  home, and even Romelo saving me from my mom. I rocked harder as reality hit me like a ton of bricks. My brother was gone.

Romelo let life get to him and turn him into a monster. He wasn't always bad, but I can't excuse his behavior. He had brought this on himself. That still didn't make it hurt any less.

"What did I do?!" Tiffany cried out. "Slim! What did I do?!" She voiced distraught.

Tiffany ran over and clutched Melo's shirt. "Baby get up! Get up!" She cried pulling. "I didn't mean it! Please... what about our daughter?!"

I sat there holding my brother as Tiffany's head rested on his bloody chest. I didn't know what to say or do so I just stayed in the moment. Dontae stood against the wall wiping his own tears. The sirens in the distance made me snap out of my trance.

"Tiff... We gotta go." I told her sliding from under Romelo.

"No!" She wailed. "I'm not leaving him." Tiffany laid on Romelo's chest and cried even harder.

"Listen to me, we have to leave! Think about Riley Tiff! Her dad is gone, she needs you now more than ever. If we don't leave right now you're going to prison for murder! Is that what you want?!" I yelled. The sirens were getting closer and we really didn't have time to debate about it.

Tiff shook her head no as she kissed Romelo's head. "I'm sorry baby." She whispered before folding his arms across his chest and standing up.

"We gotta go!" Tae yelled rushing to the door.

Tiff and I ran behind him and we jumped in the car. As we left the scene, part of me felt relieved, but the other part felt fucked up. I never wanted it to come to this.
I didn't even know what time it was, all I knew was that it was late as hell. That still didn't stop me from boarding a plane and heading to the Bahamas. I needed my girl. Needed to see, feel, and be next to her. Most of all I just needed to find comfort and solace. Keisha did that for me.

After retrieving a Key from the front desk of the hotel I made my way to Keisha's room. Everything was booked under my name so I knew I wouldn't have any problems. Thankfully, I didn't because I wasn't in the mood to deal with any extra bullshit. My head was already fucked up enough.

Silently opening the door I used the light from my phone to maneuver around the room. Quickly stripping down to only my boxers I walked over to the bed and slid in. Keisha was sprawled out across the middle of the bed. I laughed before straightening her body out. She jumped up at my touch.

"Go back to sleep babe." I whispered pulling her into my chest.

"When did you get here, and where were you? I called you like a million times! I'm telling you right now Slim, if you think for one second you're gonna stunt on me because I'm big and pregnant-" I cut her off with a kiss. Here she was ready to go in on a nigga about some nonsense.

"Keish, please... Just lay with me babe. I promise we'll talk about in the morning." I pleaded desperately. I guess my tone got to her because she reached over and clicked on the light.

"What's wrong?" Keisha asked looking me in my eyes. I tried to be strong but this shit was weighing on me heavily as tears clouded my vision. I tried unsuccessfully to hold them back but once they started it was like a flowing river. "Baby... talk to me." Keisha said pulling me into her arms.

I laid my head on her breast and just let it out as she rubbed circles around my back. The shit was so calming.

I rubbed my eyes before clearing my throat. "I'm sorry." I told her just above a whisper. I didn't mean to interrupt her sleep and break down on her.

"It's ok baby. What's goin on?" Keisha asked staring into my face with a worried expression.

"Melo's gone." I told her. There was nothing else to explain. I didn't want to give her an explanation or tell who did what, all she needed to know was that it had been handled.

"Damn babe.... I don't know what to say." Keisha said with a shocked expression.

"You don't have to say anything, right now I just need you to hold me. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course I can." Keisha replied kissing my lips. She laid down and pulled me close to her. Her legs intertwined with mine as my hand went under her shirt to rub her growing belly. This was just what I needed, my peace. "I love you baby."

"I love you more, let's get some rest." I replied planting a kiss on Keisha's forehead.

What's understood didn't need to be explained. As long as Keisha held me down when I needed her, that's all I needed. I didn't want her to fake like she was sorry that my brother was gone or any of that, because that would have been fake. I was happy with her reply and all I needed was the comfort of her touch. I knew it would take some time. But... This too, shall pass. As my grandma used to say.

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