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"What?!" Keisha yelled snatching her door open.

Its been two weeks since our fallout and no lie I missed the shit out of her. I slipped up and let some foul shit fly out of my mouth. Letting Romelo knock me off my square caused me to hurt Keish in the process.

"Peace offering?" I asked pulling the bouquet of soft pink roses from behind my back.

Keisha snatched the roses and laughed after she held them up to her nose smelling them.

I had a a gram of loud stuffed in the inside of each flower. I mean let's face it, Keisha's a stoner like me so I knew the roses alone wouldn't get me back in her good graces.

"Ahh... She smiles." I joked.

"So! We still ain't cool." Keisha pouted. "I trusted you Slim. I let you in and you used it against me."

I sighed and ran my hand through my nappy hair. Girls could be so dramatic sometimes. Keisha was acting like I ran in the middle of the street and read her diary or some shit.

I was wrong though and I'm man enough to admit when I fuck up. I knew my brother and I knew he liked to get under people's skin, I just flashed out when he said what he said.

"Look man, I apologize aite. I'm not perfect Keish... I'm gonna have my moments. I was just pissed and I allowed Melo to get in my head. Trust me, I'm glad you stepped out of the box and gave me a chance. I just want my friend back." I said giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

Keisha smirked and opened the door wide enough for me to walk in. On the inside I was jumping up and down doing back flips, on the ouside I was cool as a cucumber. I kicked my shoes off beside the door and attempted to walk to Keisha's room. Her small hand on my chest stopped me.

"Where you goin?" Keisha asked with her brows raised.

"To your room. I thought we could kick back and watch a few movies." I shrugged.

Keisha shook her head.

"Nah playboy, you earned yourself a spot back in the friend zone. You made it clear to me that I gave in too soon. Now you gotta show me that you actually deserve to be here. Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not that easy. So cop a squat on the couch and I'll be right out to join you." Keisha said before patting my back and walking to her room.

I couldn't do nothing but respect that. This shit was gonna be tougher than I thought

"You fucked up for making a nigga sleep on that small ass couch." I said walking into the kitchen from the bathroom where Keisha was whipping up breakfast.

"You could have went home and got in your bed. I told you what it is and I'm serious Slim. Your actions showed that you don't take me serious, so I'm gonna give you a reason to." Keisha shrugged.

After making up two plates that included cheese grits, eggs, bacon, and toast, Keisha sat one in front of me and the other at the opposite end of the table.

"Juice, water, or soda?" she asked bent over in the fridge.

Now she was playing games. Her ass was eating up the little cotton shorts she wore. I had a feeling she knew exactly what she was doing when she put them on. I'll play her little game though.

"Juice!" I smacked my lips. My shit was bricking up and it pissed me off cause I knew I wasn't getting none.

Keisha fixed us both a glass of juice before taking her seat. We said grace, then proceeded to dig in.

"What you got planned for today?" I asked after swallowing a fork full of food.

Keisha shrugged. "I don't know. I wanted to get up with Kassidy but she's been acting weird. I'm probably gonna pop up on her and see what the deal is. Every since your brother got in her ear she's been... Different."

"Hmph! If she knew like I knew she would leave that nigga alone." I scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Keisha asked with furrowed brows.

"Shit, I'm just saying, you see how manipulative Melo can be. He doesn't even want Kassidy. He has a girl that he's been riding with forever. He just wants to piss Dontae off."

"So why didn't you tell her that? I don't want my friend around here looking stupid and getting into drama because these niggas wanna have a pissing contest!" Keisha yelled.

"Kassidy is a grown ass woman Keish. I spoke my peace to her, she didn't take heed... That's on her. Guess she'll have to learn the hard way."

Kassidy rolled her eyes before picking up her phone. From the movement her fingers were making I assumed she was texting Kassidy.

"Stupid or not, that's my best friend and I would never sit around and allow her to make a fool of herself knowing I could have stopped it." Keisha stated in a firm tone.

She was getting upset with me like I told Kas to jump head first into some shit with Romelo.

"Listen, I learned long ago not to insert myself into people's personal lives. I just think it's best if we all stay out of that and let Kas do her own thing. I feel fucked up enough that it's my brother and my best friend playing tug of war with her. Let them deal with that drama. If she asks for an opinion, that's when you give one. Other than that, let her do her thing. I'm sure you know how it is when you try to tell friends about their significant other. That nigga will play on her mind and have her thinking you wanna fuck him."

Keisha sucked her teeth.

"Kassidy is not crazy enough to believe that I'll cross her like that. Trust me, we have been through far too much! She knows me."

"I'm just saying Keish, love can make you do some crazy things. Enough about that though, what you trying to get into today? I'm trying to win my spot back." I sighed.

There was no use in trying to get through to Keisha. Girls swear they had the answers to everything. If Kassidy is already acting funny, I don't know what makes her think Romelo is not already feeding her a bunch of bullshit.

"Surprise me. I told you, you gotta show and prove friend. I'm going to shower, lock up on your way out." Keisha said before getting up and switching past me.

This girl gon have me with blue balls.

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