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3 months later

"Sha, don't stand up on the slide like that man! You're gonna fall." I said standing to grab my son off the top of the slide.

"It's fun daddy!" Shaheem giggled as I tossed him up in the air.

"I bet it is, until you fall and break an arm or leg. Let's toss the ball around before you give me a heart attack out here."

Sha and I ran over to a spot in the grass and tossed the small nerf football around. I got a little too into it and forgot I was playing with a toddler and ended up over tossing the ball causing him to chase after it.

"Slow down boy! I'll get it." I laughed running behind Shaheem who was running full speed.

Before he could catch himself Sha bumped into a woman from behind.

"Whoa cutie." She laughed helping him up and dusting him off.

I knew that laugh from anywhere and it caused my breath to instantly become stuck in my chest.

Kassidy looked up at me and it was obvious she felt the same as me once her smile faded

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Kassidy looked up at me and it was obvious she felt the same as me once her smile faded.

"Sup Kas?" I asked clearing my throat. "Sorry about that. Little man and I got carried away with our football game."

"Daddy throw the ball too hard!" Sha huffed snitching me out.

"Did he really? Now why would he do that?" Kassidy asked kneeling down to face Shaheem.

She was totally disregarding me. I couldn't be mad though. She had reached out a couple times after being released from the hospital, but my pride wouldn't allow me to talk to her.

"Cause him too big and I'm not a big boy yet." Sha spoke causing us both to chuckle.

"Well you be careful out here with this thing. We don't want you getting hurt." Kas said handing Sha the football.

"Thank you." He said before turning towards me. "Come on daddy, and don't throw too hard."

"Give me a minute Sha." I laughed ruffling the curls on his head.

Kassidy was fumbling with her phone to avoid eye contact with me. I put my hand over hers causing her to roll her eyes at me.

"Well some things haven't changed." I chuckled in reference to her attitude.

"You know what they say, it's always the people you least expect that change up on you. But you know how that goes." Kassidy shrugged sliding her phone in her back pocket.

I took notice of her shade. She had some fucking nerve! I had every right to react how I did, if she couldn't uderstand my reasoning then fuck it! But what she wasn't gonna do was make it out to be my fault.

"Aye check this out," I started with a scowl on my face.

Before I could finish my statement Keisha walked up.

"Now you know I wasn't trying to walk around this packed ass pa- heeeyyy Tae." Keisha said finally noticing my presence. Her brow was raised in confusion and so was mine once I noticed the slight pudge in her stomach.

"Dontae was just grabbing his son, we can leave. I don't even feel like walking anymore." Kassidy sighed before walking off.

"Do me a solid Keish, watch my boy while I go handle this attitude. Shaheem..."

Sha ran up with the football tucked under his small arm.

"Ready daddy?" He asked.

"Not quite little man. This is daddy's friend Ms. Keisha, she's gonna chill with you for a second while I run and talk to a friend." I told him pointing at Keish.

"Kay." He shrugged grabbing Keisha by the hand.

"Hey how bout we grab a snow cone while we wait for your dad to come back." Keisha suggested.

"Yayyyyy!" Sha yelled excitedly before I shook my head and took off running to catch up with Kas.

"Aye, slow up!" I yelled behind her, only for her to act as if she didn't hear me. I picked up my pace and grabbed her by the waist.

"Move Tae! You're way too late for this bullshit." Kassidy said struggling to get out of my embrace.

"Man relax! I'm just trying to talk to your stubborn ass. If you promise to hear me out I'll let you go."

"What?! You can't possibly have anything to say after dogging me out when I was trying to talk to you!" Kassidy yelled with tears filling her eyes. I wasn't moved.

"Dogging you out?" I chuckled slightly. "Ma, let's get this straight... I'm not the nigga that was using you as a fucking punching bag! All I ever did was try to save you f-"

"Save me?!"

"Yes save you! Cause it was obvious you weren't gonna save yourself! You know how stupid it made me look still loving you after you gave me your ass to kiss time and time again? Yet I still came through everytime you needed me! And what you do? Run back to the same muhfucka who constantly broke you down after I built you up! I don't owe you shit! I just wanted to let you know I'm glad you're alright and see how life had been for you. Clearly that's doing too much cause you still got your head stuck up your ass!" I spazzed before walking off.

I didn't mean to go off like I did but Kassidy had some nerve. All I ever did was love her ass and she's making me the bad guy. If I was Melo she would probably be groveling at my feet right now. I had to shake my head at the thought because I could really picture that shit. I will never understand women. I walked into that relationship with my heart on my sleeve and she spat on it, yet I'm the bad guy. Shit doesn't make sense.

I walked over to the bench Keish and Shaheem were occupying with smoke coming from my ears. They were engaged in a full fledged conversation which made me laugh. I was amazed at how much sense that kid had.

"Don't let him talk your head off Keish, he will surely try." I told her interrupting their conversation.

"He's fine. This is my new little boo." Keish smiled pulling Sha in a hug. He was blushing something serious.

"What's up with that?" I asked pointing at her round belly. "Y'all keeping secrets now?"

Keisha subconsciously rubbed her belly.

"We weren't sure of what we were going to do. I just recently made up my mind to keep it. Can't say the same for your boy though." She shrugged.

"Damn, well congrats. I gotta get little man back home. Your silly ass friend is standing at the car. Tell my boy I'll hit him up later." I told her not knowing what else to say. I didn't wanna give my input without speaking to Slim first.

"Aite, good seeing you Tae. And give her some time. Believe me when I tell you she's missing you. We stay on the phone all night going over all the 'ifs.' So don't let that tough act fool you."

I waved Keish off. I was done chasing Kassidy's stubborn ass.

"I'm cool on that." I shrugged. "Come on Sha, we gotta jet."

"See you later boyfriend!" Keisha joked opening her arms for Sha and he happily ran into them.

"Bye." He waved as we walked in the opposite direction of Keisha.

Kassidy had blown me. I was fucking over it.

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