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"Now you know I don't like to tell lies! Besides, I like Dontae."

I sighed rolling my eyes. I was still looking out my window watching Dontae drive off.

"I liked Dontae too mama, until I found out who he really was." I replied.

My mama sat down on my bed making herself comfortable. The last thing I wanted to do was have this conversation right now. I had no choice since I added her in my drama though.

"So, who is he really? Because from my understanding you never received an explanation from him. Just took the word of some hussie."

Shaking my head I walked over to my dresser and pressed my back into it. Folding my arms I looked at my mom prepared to tell my side of the story.

"He didn't have to explain ma! He didn't deny it and wanted to go talk about it, so that's all the confirmation I needed. What bothers me is I told him about the situation with Ry and not once did he part his lips to tell me he had a kid! Do you know how that makes me feel? I was finally letting go of the sh-stuff I had been through and willing to give someone a chance. He messed that up and now I'm just gonna do me." I spat angrily.

Dontae had really knocked me off my square with all his romantic bullshit. He had me feeling all giddy and hopeful only to deliver a smack to my face! At least Romelo kept it real from the door.

"What exactly does that mean?" My mom asked cocking her head to the side.

"What?" I asked lost.

"Doing you, elaborate."

"It means I met someone else that I'm interested in getting to know. He's the total opposite of Dontae but he's honest, he makes me laugh, and he's handsome." I blushed unkowingly.

"Kassidy." My mom sighed. "Don't you think it's a little to early for you to be moving on? Give yourself time baby. You just ended things with Dontae and still haven't heard his side. Why would you put someone else in the mix of this mess?"

I rolled my eyes so far back in my head I thought they would get stuck. I know how the saying goes, 'mother knows best' but I needed room to make my own mistakes.

"With all due respect mama, I'm grown. Dontae had his chance and he blew it. Wasn't it you who told me if it happens once, don't make room for a next time? Well I'm sticking to that. There will be no more next times for Dontae."

My mom looked at me and shook her head. I couldn't understand why she was going so hard for Dontae when she damn near shot my ex for hurting me.

"Ok, I'll stay out of it. Just be sure you know what you're doing baby. I may not agree with your decision but I'll stand by you." My mom said standing from my bed.

"Thank you." I said sarcastically.

"Mhmmm." My mom replied before leaving my room.
"Hey you." I said walking up to Romelo as he stood at the hostess station in Longhorn Steakhouse.

"What's up beautiful? Ready to eat?" Romelo asked after grabbing me up in a hug.

"Sure, lead the way."

The hostess lead us to our table and told us our server would be with us shortly. Once she walked off I sparked up conversation.

"So, how was your day?" I asked Romelo.

He shrugged. "It was cool, better now that I'm in your company. How was yours?"

"Eventful. I had a lot to get done for school and I accompanied my parents to some doctors convention." I said.

"Sounds pretty boring." Romelo laughed.

"It was actually interesting. I love going so I can take everything in and follow in their footsteps. You'd be surprised how much you learn at those things."

"Nah shorty, that's not my scene. I'm a street nigga by nature, nothing else excites me more than the hustle."

Right before I could tell Romelo how ignorant his response was, our waiter came and took our order. I didn't wanna judge him but he had to have something other than a hustler's ambition. I mean I never met anyone who retired with 401k plans from hustling. I was stuck in my mind when Romelo pulled me from my thoughts.

"So that's what you plan to do with your life?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Be a doctor and shit? I'm not knocking it but I heard it's a lot of school involved with that shit. You don't get tired?"

"I actually wanna be a nurse. And I'm always open to learn more. I don't mind school because I honestly don't think you could ever have enough education."

By now I was getting annoyed by his conversation. Ignorance was not bliss.

If he wasn't so cute I probably would've got up and walked out on his ass. Luckily our food came putting a halt to the conversation. I didn't think I could hold my tongue if he said anymore dumb shit. Things were silent while we ate, but my mind wouldn't allow me to leave our conversation up in the air like that.

"What are your plans Romelo? Where do you see yourself in five years?" I asked.

Romelo chuckled like I said something funny causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"Your question. C'mon now, a nigga like me is lucky to see the next five minutes... you talking bout five years. Maybe in your life since you grew up bourgeois and all with your 'doctor' parents. But my life was the complete opposite. I didn't have nobody tucking me in at night! The boogie man was living right with me. So you can miss me with that future plan bullshit! My only concern is tomorrow." Romelo said with flared nostrils.

The last thing I wanted was to upset or offend him. I actually thought that was a valid question. I was taken back by his attitude.

"I apologize, it wasn't my intentions to offend you. I was just making conversation. I'll just take my food to go." I said standing.

Romelo grabbed my hand. "Wait, my bad man. You just stirred up some demons from my past. Sit down please.... don't let that ruin our night. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Against my better judgement I took my seat. That was the first sign that Romelo wasn't the guy for me. Wouldn't be the last though.

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