Chapter 8

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I wasn't in good mood. I didn't get to go out like on my usual calendar, but I am going to have to deal with that. I sat on the couch, criss-cross, eating my mini wheats. Bruce wasn't here when I woke up this morning, I guessed he was at work or something. Then the door opened, revealing Bruce with a shopping bag.
"What's in the bag?" I asked.
"I'll have to show you." Bruce said setting the bag down on the table. I rolled my eyes. I put my bowl of mini wheats down on the coffee table as I got up from the couch. I stood next to Bruce, waiting for him to show me this 'surprise'. He opened the bag showing me a dog collar and a leash. My eyes widened.
"Ef no." I said.
"C'mon, at least try it." Bruce insisted.
"Please!" Bruce took a step forward, I took a step back. And then it ended up with him chasing me around the apartment.
"No! I'm not doing it!"
"Just try it!"
"No! I'm not wearing a collar!"
"It'll keep you safe!"
"I don't care!"
"I didn't want to have to do this." Bruce said and he reached into the bag pulling out a bag of Reese Pieces. My eyes widened. Bruce put down the collar and leash on the table. Holding me back he opened the bag and began to eat them.
"Why?! Why do you do this to me?! You know how much I love those!" I cried out.
"I'll give you the rest if you put on the collar." I groaned.
"Fine." I shifted and Bruce put the collar on me. Bruce tossed a Reese Piece in the air and I caught it.
"Good, now, all I have to do, is take you too a dog park and you can run around all you want, without getting caught." Bruce said. My ears pricked up. Apparently I didn't think about the bright side of it.
"You ready?" I nodded. Bruce opened the door and together we walked out to his car and we drove.
I was having all the freedom I could get, the only thing holding me back was the collar, but that's okay, I'm starting to get used to it now. I trotted up to Bruce who was sitting on a bench watching me as I ran around.
"You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded. Bruce put me on the leash and we went back to the car driving back to the apartment. As soon as we were safe in the car I shifted back.
"Thank you Bruce, that meant a lot for you to do that for me." I said as we were driving back. I took the collar off.
"For you? I was doing it for me! I knew you were going to be in a bad mood, and I didn't want to deal with you being in a bad mood." Bruce said. I chuckled.
"Very funny."
"Oh and keep the collar and leash in here, 'cause we never know, when he come back." I nodded putting the leash and collar in the glove compartment. There was a silence.
"People at the park asked what breed you were." Bruce said.
"I said you were a Newfoundland, and Lab mix, and luckily it worked."
"Good. So do I get those Reese Pieces?" Bruce chuckled.
"Yah, you get the candy."

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